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Health Information Management - Riyadh

Health Information Management

Health Information Management is a support service whose primary purpose is to contribute to the quality of patient care by developing and maintaining a comprehensive Medical Record System.

Services and functions shall be developed and implemented so that confidentiality, privacy, and data security considerations are respected at all stages of gathering and processing health care information.

The system shall also provide Health Information to support and promote the health care facility's related goals and activities in education, training, research, facility management, and decision-making.
The department is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Health Information Management Mission

Health Information Management at MNGHA takes pride in providing excellent customer service by ensuring accurate, complete and timely health information to patients, medical staff and clinical staff for delivery of excellent healthcare.

Health Information Management Vision

To be a leading clinical record depository by:

  • Concurrent Clinical Coding.

  • Electronic Health Record.

  • Provide high quality utilization reports to support new programs and / or the expansion of current programs.

Health Information Management Objective

To ensure the accuracy, confidentiality and accessibility of health records in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.

Health Information Management Programs

  • The centralized Health Information Management shall provide functional support to the health care facility with respect to health information services to include:

  • Maintain comprehensive health information for all patients.

  • Monitoring of clinical record documentation, for record completion purposes.

  • Digital dictation / transcription system.

  • Statistical abstracts / indexes.

  • Clinical Classification activities utilizing ICD 10 AM.

  • Storage and retrieval system, including record tracking.

  • Assistance in complying with legal and regulatory provisions and accrediting agency standards concerning health care data.

  • Data security, privacy and confidentiality processes.

  • Educational programs for students under affiliation agreement.

  • Support research activities ad MNGHA.

  • Committed to provide high quality to patients, medical staff and allied health professionals.

  • Work with Health Ministry to provide expedited services to our patients to receive birth and death certificates.

  • Providing E-services through SEHA platform, including: sick leaves, pre-marriage screening, pre-school screening, Immunization record, and COVID-19 vaccination centers.

  • Providing E-services through EFADA platform in Ministry Of Finance, for financial exemptions.

Support our patients to receive needed medical documentations.

Education and Training

Medical Coding Program – Trainees / students from Saudi Health Academy. Upon completion, they will be hired as Medical Coder in the Health Information Management.

Achievements and Awards

  • Sick Leave forms have been integrated into SEHA Platform automatically

  • Provides academic training for Coding Program students (Saudi Health Academy). These students will be hired as Medical Coder once done with the training.

  • Adding “New Baby Registration" E-Form to BestCare System

  • Pre-School Screening through SEHA Platform designed by ROI

  • Pre-Marriage Form through SEHA Platform designed by ROI

  • Immunization Services to be integrated to SEHA Platform (sent for implementation)

  • Dashboard for Brief Medical Reports has been designed to process all pending reports

  • Working on the National System for Death & Birth Notices which belongs to Ministry of Health & linked to Civil Affairs Offices.

Health Information Management Leadership

Mr. Mohammed Al Dhafiri

A/Director, HIM

Contact Health Information Management

Department Email:

Department Extensions: 18788

Last Modified

9/27/2022 1:36 PM