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To provide the highest possible standard of diagnostic services to all NGHA patients and their dependents, and to comply with JCI standards in doing so.
To promote teamwork and efficiency throughout the Department whilst maintaining quality at all times.
The Cardiopulmonary Department provides the highest quality of diagnostic procedures in the following areas:
Respirology (Pulmonary Function Lab)
All pulmonary function tests routinely performed in Pulmonary Function Lab
Cardiology (Echo Lab And Ecg Unit)
The following cardiac diagnostic procedures are performed in Echo Lab and ECG unit;
Sleep Disorders Lab
The following procedures are routinely performed in the Sleep Disorders Lab;
Neurophysiology Lab
The following diagnostic procedures are routinely performed in the Neurophysiology Lab;
Below are the average volumes of our activities per month:
Location: Hospital Entrance 2, in front of Dental Department.
Departmental Email:
Administrative Office Extension: +966-12-2266666 ext: 22754 - 22915
Department Fax ext.: +966-12-2266200 ext: 21688
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