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Computer and Internet Use

  • Generally, computers are strictly for medical research. Email users must give way to staff working on research.
  • Computer use is restricted to faculty, students, and staff and to visitors seeking health or biomedical information.
  • Visitors may not use library computers for illegal or inappropriate activities or for activities outside the scope of Health and biomedical research, including: misrepresenting oneself on the internet and engaging in fraud, viewing, downloading, or disseminating pornography, participating in chat rooms or forums, playing game,; issuing threats, violating copyright laws or licensing agreements, hacking, altering, deleting, or damaging computer software, hardware, system network, program or data.
  • Use of mobile phones is not encouraged inside the library as courtesy to library users.
  • Noisy or disruptive visitors will be asked to leave the library.
  • The Health Sciences Library staff will take appropriate action if policies are abused. This may include revoking computer access privileges and contacting the Security Department.
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Last Modified

3/13/2023 9:30 AM