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KASCH Pediatric Home Health Care Program

KASCH Home Health Care Program

Home Health Care Program/KASCH is a hospital-based community program that began in 2016 to help people get out of the hospital safely and keep getting care at home. It was made with several goals, such as reducing hospital stays, trips to the emergency room, visits to outpatient clinics and labs, and hospital readmissions. It was also made as an alternative to hospitalization, i.e., Hospice care and treatment with an IV at home.

Mission of KASCH Home Health Care Program

As a part of KASCH, the Home Health Care Department tries to give the National Guard and their dependents the best multidisciplinary services, given its resources. This is to ensure that care stays consistent from when someone is admitted to when they leave the hospital and back to their home. ‎

Home Health Care is committed to giving patients the best care possible by making sure their physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being are met.

Vision of KASCH Home Health Care Program

The Home Health Care Department aspires to become extended hours ‎of service, increasing programs of specific care to enable more people ‎to be cared for at home by qualified, skilled Staff.

Objectives of KASCH Home Health Care Program

  • To provide quality, safe and multidisciplinary care to patients in the ‎home environment.‎
  • To provide continuity of care to patients needing supervised care ‎at home from Sunday to Thursday (8 am-11pm) based on current home care services models. ‎

  • Increase health care knowledge of patients' families and caregivers ‎through education in the home setting.‎

  • To play an integral role in decreasing hospital length of stay and ER ‎visits. Improve access to health care resources.‎

  • To maintain quality, appropriately trained personnel to meet the ‎need of National Guard patients.‎

  • To continuously develop and implement standards, policies, and ‎procedures based on JCI Home Health standards and other ‎recognized credentialing agencies.

Programs provided by KASCH Home Health Care

  1. Setting up the Pediatric Home TPN Service (Total Parenteral Nutrition): This program aims to provide continued care to patients on Total Parenteral Nutrition at the patient's home instead of in a hospital. This will reduce the length of time a patient stays in the hospital and allow the patient to grow healthy in his home environment. This program will start in May 2016.
  2. Enzyme replacement therapy was started in HHC-KASCH in 2016 to give enzyme medicine to patients at home while considering all safety concerns.

  3. Home IV antibiotic service: Using modern health technology, Pediatric HHC-KASCH started IV antibiotic therapy to be given at home, so patients wouldn't have to stay in the hospital for as long and wouldn't have to pay to go to MNGH, May 2016.
  4. Overnight pulse oximetry study: to avoid going to the hospital for this procedure and save money on hospital admissions, January 2017.
  5. Setting up care for patients who use mechanical ventilation at home.
  6. The Independent Heroes Project is a new program at HHC-KASCH that is led by an occupational therapist. It is for pediatric oncology and orthopedic patients who have had surgery and have trouble moving around. The goal is to improve mobility and independence.
  7. Home Healthcare for Children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD): The home monitoring program for people with CHD varies from home procedures to monitoring quality care at home.
  8. Pediatric Rapid Response Team: The Pediatric Home Health Care Rapid Response Team, is a group of people ready to help if a non-life-threatening emergency call comes in between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  9. Feeding tube home skills program:
    • Explain when tube feeding is needed, how it is put in, and the different types of tubes (NGT, GT, GJ).
    • Explain how a feeding tube needs to be cared for every day.
    • Describe the steps for managing for a feeding tube, such as flushing, giving medications, feeding, changing the tube, and changing the dressing.

KASCH Home Health Care Education and Training

  • Participating in multiple awareness day.

  • Caregivers education through patient education materials.

  • Raising the level of staff by enrolling them in workshops and courses.

KASCH Home Health Care Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Pediatric Home Health Care:

  • Admission to discharge ratio

  • HHC to hospital utilization ratio

  • HHC referral Timeline

  • HHC acceptance percentage

  • HHC hospital admission ratio

  • Saved Hospital admission days for HHC antibiotic therapy

  • ER Visits

KASCH Home Health Care Clinical Care Outcomes

To provide quality, safe and multidisciplinary care to patients in the ‎home environment.‎

To provide continuity of care to patients needing supervised care ‎at home from Sunday to Thursday (8 am-11pm) based on current home care services models. ‎

Increase health care knowledge of patients' families and caregiver’s ‎through education in the home setting.‎

To play an integral role in decreasing hospital length of stay and ER ‎visits. Improve access to health care resources.‎

To maintain quality, appropriately trained personnel to meet the ‎need of National Guard patients.‎

KASCH Home Health Care Achievements and Awards

  • HHC Pediatric Rapid Response Team Project

  • Independent Hero


  • HHC IV antibiotic utilizing IV smart pump

  • HHC Enzyme therapy

  • Successful Utilization of maximum resources during COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Manpower expansion in alliance with Service expansions

KASCH Home Health Care Research and Publications

  1. Almutairi Seba, Albassri Tala, Masud Nazish, Said Feryal, Aljohani Ibrahim, Bawazeer Manal. Assessment of Community-Based Home Health Programs among Children with Chronic Disease in Tertiary Care Center, Riyadh. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences. 2019 Nov; 8(11): 137-142

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Last Modified

9/6/2022 2:11 PM