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Prof. Abdullah Al Mutrafy Message

Alsalam Alikum

King Abdullah Specialist Children's Hospital gives children the best specialized medical care possible in an environment that combines education and research. Our message isn't about the buildings on the hospital campus. It also includes the Internet, which is a worldwide network of information, so that people who visit our website can learn a lot about all the different parts of the hospital.

King Abdullah Hospital was one of the first places to focus on children's health care. It has a well-known system with excellent clinical services, high-quality education and training programs, and innovative scientific research.
Our first and main goal is to take care of our patients. So, the facility gives its patients the best quality care and safety. It also helps solve health problems in the community through programs, education, and mental health care.
Aside from that, we provide the most up-to-date care in oncology and hematology, with an emphasis on the patient and their family.
Doctors, caregivers, and support workers make up our team. Together, they offer complete services for cancer, from preventing it to diagnosing it to treating it to helping people live with it.
Lastly, our success depends on how happy our patients are, how hard our staff works, and how hard we try to be the best we can be.
Thank you for coming to the webpage for the King Abdullah Specialist Children's Hospital.