Official Saudi Government website URL ends with

Website belongs to an official government organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always ends with

Official Secure websites use HTTPS

Secured governments websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia use Https encryption.

Registered on Digital Government Authority: 20221231224

E-participation is an opportunity to express an opinion to discuss topics that help in building and supporting decisions to contribute in digital transformation, raise the level of quality of services provided by the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs , and improve the experience of the beneficiary of healthcare services in line with the ambitious vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030.

Participating in the provided services:​

National E-Participation Platforms​

Saudi Open Data Portal
Integrated database of open government data to achieve the principle of transparency, encourage e-participation and enhance creativity.
Tafaul Platform
Actively participate in decision-making and contribute to achieving the goals of the Saudi Vision 2030 via Tafaul platform
Comments & suggestions For any inquiry or feedback on the current page, please fill the required information.

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