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Published: 7/16/2019

Saudi Commission for Health Speci​​alties Visit to MNG-HA - Jeddah

Saudi Commission for Health Speci​​alties Visit to MNG-HA - Jeddah 

Within the framework of future scientific and medical cooperation, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, headed by the Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Ayman Abdu, the Executive Director of Academic Affairs Dr. Ziad Naqshbandi and their accompanying staff, visited the Deanship of Graduate Studies and the Department of Medical Education at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Yasser Faden, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and HE Dr. Jamila Al Rahimi, Director of Medical Education, the meeting presented the latest developments and developments in medical education in our health sector. Also discussed future cooperation between the Saudi Commission and the Department of Medical Education to work together to improve the educational process for postgraduate studies and improve the ways of communication in order to achieve the national objectives in health workers training in the Kingdom.

The Board of Directors then took a tour in the facilities of King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.