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King Salman Specialized Hospital is a new medical city in Taif adjacent to the new MNGHA Saudi Arabian National Guard housing (SANG) development. The hospital is composed of three major components; The Inpatient, The Diagnostic and Treatment (D and T) Podium and The Clinics Building. These facilities are developed for state-of-the-art inpatient and outpatient care. This hospital is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Building that is meeting the international standards for sustainability design.
Medical Area: Main Hospital (12 Floors), Helipad near Emergency Entrance, Out-patient Clinics, Admin Building.
Staff Housing: Contains Villas and apartments, Main Mosque, employees’ Recreation Center, Commercial Center and Admin Center.
Facilities: Medical Warehouses, Gas Station, Fire Fighting Station, Water Treatment Stations.
In-patient Tower.
Out-patient Clinics.
Reception and Registration Services.
Conference and Training Services.
X-ray, Medical Imaging Section.
Sterilization Section.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.
Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine.
Emergency Section.
Hemodialysis Center.
Operation Rooms.
In-patient Suites.
Kitchen and Cafeteria.
Electromechanical Services.
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