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The King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital in Jeddah is the counterpart of King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital in Riyadh. KASCH, Jeddah provides advanced pediatric care and treatment, and design to calm, comfort and offer positive and safe healing environments for children and their families. The facility is located at the southern tip of the King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Jeddah campus. The form of the hospital is conceived as a single ‘block’ of stone which reveals garden and oasis when carved. The surrounding roughened concrete envelop allows for a highly secure pediatric healthcare facility.
Main Building (14 Floors)
In-patients Tower (8 Floors)
Mosque for 260 persons.
Multi-story Parking Building.
Electromechanical Services Buildings.
VIP Rooms.
Reception and Registration Services.
Emergency and Ambulance Entrance.
Emergency and Critical Section.
Operation Rooms.
Waiting Areas.
Children Play Areas.
Conference and Training Services.
Out-patients Specialized Clinics.
Main Kitchen.
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