Medical and Surgical Directorate
Director of Clinical Nursing: Catharina Brand
The Medical/Surgical Department has the potential to provide 128 beds in five separate wards. There are 121 beds currently operational in the five medical/surgical wards. The distribution of inpatient medical/surgical beds is as follows:
Ward 2: 17 beds plus 4 ICU-Step-down beds,
Ward 3: 17 beds plus 4 Long Term Care beds & 4 -Step-down beds,
Ward 5: 12 beds,
Ward 6: 22 beds including 2 VIP suites,
Ward 8: 33 beds plus 6 Step-down beds.
It is anticipated the number of available beds will increase to full capacity over the next two to three years.
Nurses work within a Multi disciplinary team and good working relationships are encouraged with the medical teams, dieticians, social workers, respiratory therapists and physiotherapists, to name but a few. The support services are also essential for the smooth running of the wards and staff such as the housekeepers, laundry workers, patient escorts and clerical staff is an essential part of the team. The Unit Assistants play a major role in the wards and are invaluable members of the team, supporting both the Manager and nursing staff, undertaking many clerical duties and translating for nursing and medical staff when the need arises. The Saudi Interns work well within their assigned areas and the staff acting as Preceptors doing well to guide them to be an independent nurse practitioner. The nursing staff in the Department comes from a variety of countries including South Africa, Malaysia, Philippines, Jordan, UK and New Zealand.
Quality Activities:
Each of the wards is engaged in active, quality assurance initiatives and is keen to promote research-based care.
The Med/surgical directorate provides a pro-active, holistic approach to the management of pain in conjunction with medical and appropriate para-medical staff. A multi-disciplinary, holistic approach to the management of pain is in the process of implementation. A comprehensive pain assessment tool is in use. Research-based assessment of pressure ulcer risk, staging of pressure ulcers and the treatment and management of wound care is also a high priority in the Department.
We place high importance on patient safety and as a JCI accredited organization, the six (6) International Patient Safety Goals are our practice in daily patient care.
A recent addition to the management team has been the appointment of an Assistant Nurse Manager in each unit. The post, which involves clinical and administrative responsibilities, will evolve as time goes on. Our goal for the next year is to have one (1) Clinical Resource Nurse in each of the wards.