Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

The Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU) of King Abdul-Aziz Medical City was established in Feb 2002 to provide tertiary care for critically ill children with cardiac disease. We are taking care of a wide variety of surgical and medical cases.

Vision of PCICU

To be a center of excellence in providing best possible care and training health care providers taking care of critically ill children with cardiac disease

Mission of PCICU

  • Improve survival and quality of life to the maximal possible number of children with cardiac disease.

  • Providing medical and surgical care for our needy children with congenital heart disease.

  • Prevent complications induced by delaying optimum medical and surgical care for our needy children with congenital heart disease.

  • Prevent mortality due to delay of definitive treatment or inadequate perioperative care.

In the year 2021 PCICU had the following achievements:

  • Approval of the pediatric cardiac intensive care fellowship by (SCFHS) for pediatric cardiac intensive care fellowship program. Which is a one year training program for those who finished the pediatric cardiology fellowship or pediatric intensive care fellowship. We can accommodate two fellows yearly. It includes rotations in pediatric intensive care unit, pediatric cardiac anesthesia, pediatric cardiac intervention and pediatric echocardiography.

  • The first pediatric Berlin Heart service for two sibling as pre-transplant.

  • Approval of pediatric heart transplant.

Two successful pediatric heart transplant cases.

PCICU Capacity

The pediatric cardiac ICU contains 15 beds that includes 2 critical care areas named as PCICU1 and PCICU2.

These 2 units provide care to critically ill pediatric cardiac patients from other sections within our institutions (such as the ER, Cath lab, Pediatric Cardiology Wards} or from outside our institution. The patient profile consists of neonates to 14 year olds with congenital and acquired complex cardiac anomalies which require medical or surgical management.

Our current staffing includes 5 consultant, 3 associate consultants, 5 assistants and 3 staff physicians. The pediatric cardiac ICU receives many rotating fellows from Pediatric Cardiology and Pediatric ICU fellowship training programs within the hospital or from outside institutions.

The PCICU statistics reflects steady progress of PCICU with increasing number of medical and surgical admissions. The outcome of PCICU is comparable to high international standards with postoperative low mortality and excellent outcome. PCICU has high occupancy rate with decreasing length of stay and notable increase in catheter laboratory admission cases in the last 5 years.

PCICU Scope of Services

  • The Pediatric cardiac ICU team works hand in hand with other disciplines such as Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Cardiac Anesthesia to provide state or art care at the highest standard within cardiac science department.

  • The pediatric cardiac ICU team manages critical pediatric patients with heart diseases before and after surgery. The majority of cases are post-surgical.

  • PCICU admits children from pediatric cardiac wards, emergency room, cardiac OR, cardiac catheter laboratory and referral from other hospitals within Kingdom or even from outside the country.

  • PCICU is the first center in the Middle East to provide mechanical circulatory support for pediatric heart failure cases (Berlin Heart).

  • PCICU have approved as a pediatric cardiac transplant center.

  • The PCICU team provide consultations for critically ill pediatric cardiac patients within the hospital and KASCH for further medical management, devices insertions or other interventions requiring critical skill or closer monitoring.

  • The pediatric cardiac ICU also support during transportation of all pediatric cardiac critical cases within or outside the hospital.

  • All pediatric cardiac ECMO cases are managed by PCICU team.

  • Medical and nursing care is provided and includes; mmanagement of pre-operative critical pediatric cardiac patients; postoperative management of pediatric cardiac patients undergoing cardiac surgery, management of post-catheter (diagnostic or interventional) of critical pediatric cardiac patient; provision of consultative services by medical staff and outreach services by nursing staff to Pediatric cardiac patient outside PCICU and the management of all paediatric Code Blue in KACC.

  • The Pediatric Cardiac ICU participates in teaching, medical education, providing medical courses, writing research proposal, presenting abstracts in national and international meetings and publish medical papers in international peer-review journal.

  • PCICU is also a training ground for fellows from different institution within and outside the Kingdom to train in Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Medicine.

PCICU Clinical Programs

  • Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Fellowship by (SCFHS)

Dr. Mohammed Kabbani

PCICU Leadership

Dr Omar Hijazi  

Dr. Omar Hijazi

Section Head & Consultant

Contact PCICU


Phone number:



13680, 16971, 16972,16973,10447,10448,10449