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Special Baby Care Unit (SCBU)

Special Baby Care Unit​ 

The unit has a capacity of 25 cots, providing 24/7 service, evaluation, and postnatal care for healthy newborn infants. Provides care for Level 1 neonates above 35 weeks with a birth weight of 2000 grams. 

Primary diagnosis: stabilization of newborn, management of newborns who had cord cut under unsterile condition, minor Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs - Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia NURSING SERVICES 100 | P a g e congenital anomaly who is physiologically stable, mild respiratory distress that requires 2 to 4 hours of observation, hyperbilirubinemia. Performs and provides care as the following:​

  • Provide immediate and continuity of care for newborn.

  • Care of baby of mother with untreated GBS positive and maternal pyrexia.

  • Care of newborns receiving phototherapy.

  • Care of newborn undergoing moderate sedation.

  • Immunization.

  • Health education for parents.

  • Assist and support with breastfeeding.

  • Performs transcutaneous bilirubinometry.

  • Performs hearing test, critical congenital heart disease screening.

  • Immunization.

  • Health education for parents.

  • Assist and support with breastfeeding.

Patient Population:

Level I: Well newborn of ≥ 35 weeks of gestational age and birth weight ≥ 2000 grams

Hours of Operation: 24 hours / 7 days a week

No of Beds: 25 Beds

Occupancy Rate: 100%

Staff Categories:

  • Registered Nurse.

  • Patient Care Technician.

Primary Diagnosis

  • Stabilization of all newborns between 35 and 37 weeks of gestational age born in or out of hospitals.

  • Management of baby with cord cut under unsterile conditions.

  • Minor congenital anomaly who are physiologically stable.

  • Mild respiratory distress for observation between 2-4 hours.

  • Hyperbilirubinemia for single of double phototherapy.

Primary Procedures

  • Provide immediate and continuity of newborn care.

  • Care of baby of mothers with untreated PPROM and maternal pyrexia.

  • Care of baby under phototherapy.

  • Vaccination.

  • Promotion of breastfeeding.

  • Care of baby undergoing moderate sedation for CT & MRI.

  • Transcutaneous billirubinometry (TcB).

  • Universal Newborn Hearing Screening.

  • Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening.

  • Newborn Screening.

Model of Nursing Care

Total Patient Care Utilizing a Partnership Model.

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Last Modified

9/5/2022 2:00 PM

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