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Provided to both the NICU and PICU a framework according to the levels of capacity and promote an efficient patient flow with clear escalation process to all stakeholders.
Launched a Command Center in KASCH on 01 March 2017.
Establishment of Same Day Admission Program (2018)
New initiatives to reduce the LOS during the winter season:
Introduction of Home Sweet Home Project in the discharge lounge unit.
Processing of equipment request from day 1 of admission.
Processing of expected day of discharge from the surgical PICU (PICU-B53).
Accommodating chronic ventilated patients into regular floor ( ward 71)
No Sitter Escalation Process. Implemented on 08 February 2020. This will trigger a stepwise escalation process that involve many parties. The aim is to have sitters for all new inpatients.
Day 7 Review. Implemented on 04 April 2021.
Establishment of dedicated four (4) Burn Unit beds in PICU B52 (7 March 2021).
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