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Bed Management Department at KASCH

The Bed Management Department is in charge of making sure that patients and their families get the care they need by assessing, planning, facilitating, and coordinating care. It works with a lot of different departments and services to get patients out of the hospital as quickly and safely as possible while maintaining high standards of clinical care.


Ensure that the hospital beds for inpatients are used effectively and efficiently and that patient flow is at its best.


As part of the MNGHA's plan to change, the bed management department is working to improve the flow of patients and care transitions within King Abdulaziz Medical City while keeping patients safe and giving them a great experience.


  • Create, track, and test the patient journey to ensure hospital beds are available, patients are safe, the system works well, and both patients and staff are happy.
  • Establish, administer, and track admissions, discharges, and transfers hospital-wide.
  • Monitoring demand/capacity and bed/service balance to improve the flow of patients, safety, experience, and staff satisfaction.
  • Work with clinical departments and healthcare experts to identify "pain points" in the system where patient flow is challenging and causing delays. Then, apply operational, clinical, and service improvement strategies/interventions to improve patient flow.
  • Encourage clinical departments and health care professionals to develop standards based on best practices. These standards aim to reduce the number of patients who don't need to be admitted, make care for inpatients more consistent across providers, and shorten the length of stay for patients.

Scope of Service

Admission Office:

  • The admissions section is in charge of letting patients in and keeping an eye on how they get to their rooms.

  • All KASCH beds are given out and managed by the admissions section, which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Medical Coordination:

  • During working hours, it is the job of the medical coordination office to coordinate all requests to move inpatients from other health care facilities to KASCH.

  • Work together with the other departments for patients who want to leave KASCH.

Case Management:

  • It helps connect the patient with care providers and other resources during a hospital stay.
  • Help and keep an eye on delivering all services needed by patients who have been admitted.
  • Focus on the quality of a patient's discharge by ensuring the highest case management standards are met while they are in the hospital.

Medical Equipment Dispensing Unit:

  • Medical equipment is given to inpatients who need it at home to continue getting care there.
  • If there are any problems with medical equipment, you should work with the maintenance department.
  • Follow up on patients' medical equipment (OT or RT) by talking to the central warehouse or the cash purchases department.

Command Center:

  • A support line to help staff deal with problems that might slow care in inpatient units or during OP clinic visits.

  • Send problems up the chain of command to the Medical Services Department to deal with them.


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Programs provided

  1. 5 Es model of Integrated Discharge Planning (Case Management).

  2. Bed Blocker Program

  3. Command Center

  4. Same Day Admission (SDA) of elective surgical cases

  5. D7 review of newly admitted cases with potential long stay

  6. Home Sweet Home Project in the discharge lounge unit

  7. No sitter escalation process

Education and Training

Internally, guest speakers give a series of short talks to help case management staff learn more about their jobs.

Additionally, our staff can participate in courses offered by Training & Development Department.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


Clinical Care Outcomes

Reduction in ALOS by:

  • Getting and giving home equipment without waiting too long.
  • Utilizing When necessary, re-admissions for procedures SDA for elective surgeries.
  • Using the "Home Sweet Home Project" in the discharge lounge frees hospital beds, especially in the winter.

Research and Publications

  1. Caswell, A., Al Khalaf, H., Al Mutrafy, A., & Abd Rashid, R. (2019). The Impact of a Pediatric Acute Unit in Reducing Length of Stay: A Success Story. American Journal of Nursing, 8(6), 288-293.‏

  2. Kazzaz, Y. M., Alkhalaf, H., Alharbi, M., Al Shaalan, M., Almuneef, M., Alshehri, A., ... & Al Moamary, M. S. (2020). Hospital preparedness and management of pediatric population during COVID-19 outbreak. Annals of Thoracic Medicine, 15(3), 107.​