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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Achievements

  • Clinics Expansion Numbers:

Year: 2020 Till Sep.

Number of clinics:48

Year: May 2015

Number of clinics:18

  • Patients increasing Numbers:

Year: 2020-2021 (Mid of 2021)



Year: Started May 2015-2016

Scheduled/year: 3654

Seen/year: 3009

  • Deliver outstanding education and training programs:

Our department has been recognized by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) for having an excellent residency and fellowship training program and an accredited training center for the psychology internship program.

The department helps train nurses and other health professionals. For example, pediatric nurses received a six-day module on the mental health of children and teens.

  • Rehabilitation programs:

The Department started a complete set of programs for children with ADHD, Autism-Spectrum Disorders, and anxiety disorders. The programs make sure that children and their families get the best treatment advice based on their specific needs and the most recent treatment options. These programs are run by well-trained staff.

  • Outreach program:

As one of our goals is to serve the community, we asked the chair of a committee to work with the family medicine department at the primary health care setting to use our ready project to start this service.

  • Complex procedures:

Along with the pediatrics and pediatric surgery departments and the nursing service, we know a lot about innovative qualitative research. We are also starting a program to give children with difficult elective surgeries total psychological help and assessments.

  • Parents & teachers' workshops:

The department offers many workshops for parents who can't attend the programs. These workshops are meant to make them more aware and give them the skills they need to deal with mental health problems. There are workshops for teachers and school supervisors to help them learn more and improve at helping people with mental health problems.

  • Staff Lectures:

The department published more than 6 virtual lectures and speeches by our professional team through NGHA Webinar during Covid-19 curfew.