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KASCH Pediatric Emergency Medicine Programs

At KASCH, the department of pediatric emergency medicine offers a lot of services and programs for kids who are sick or hurt.

Clinical services provided

  • The Acute Respiratory Illness (ARI) Screening

The Acute Respiratory Illness (ARI) Screening is located at the main entrance of the Emergency Department. This is a robust ARI screening process for all patients presenting to the Emergency Department to prevent transmission of MERS-CoV and COVID-19 infections..

  • KASCH Emergency Flu Screening Unit (KEFSU)

This area has a reception desk, three assessment seats, and one exam bed. KEFSU aims to find people who have Acute Respiratory Infections caused by MERS-CoV or COVID-19 and keep them, their caregivers, and healthcare workers from getting sick.

  • Main Departmental Clinical Units

  1. Triage & Urgi-care Unit

  2. Trauma & Acute care Unit

Triage & Urgent-care Unit

  • Triage Area

The pediatric triaging system is the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS ), the standard triage system used. CTAS ensures that ill pediatric patients are prioritized according to acuity to provide the best chance for a speedy recovery. The Triage area is in front of ER entrance with a receiving desk, and 5 triages.

  • Pediatric Rapid Assessment and Management1(PRAM1)

This area comprises 5 rooms located within the urgent care area. It provides care for patients of Triage 4 and 5 after registration. Over 60 % of pediatric patients visiting ER are seen in this area, with 50% of them managed and discharged. In comparison, 50% are managed and treated in urgent care who require brief interventional treatment. The target time for the patient’s assessment and management in PRAM 1 is 25 minutes from ER registration to disposition.

  • UCC (Urgent-care Centre)

This area has 16 rooms located behind triage. Low acuity patients are seen and managed within a target time of 2 hours. Patients assessed in PRAM 1 who require further care are referred to the UCC for further management. The unit has respiratory isolation, Nebulization, and procedure rooms.

Trauma & Acute care Unit

  • Resuscitation Unit

The resuscitation and trauma area is located on the left side of ER with 11 beds. The rooms are fully equipped to handle any seriously ill or traumatized child. The area is under the supervision and direct care of qualified pediatric emergency consultants and nurses. The area controls triage levels 1&2 and constitutes an average of 5-10% of ER patient visits with severe and life-threatening emergencies.

  • Pediatric Rapid Assessment and Management2 (PRAM2)

This area comprises 3 rooms and is located within the Acute Care area of the department. PRAM 2 provides care for CTAS level 3 patients within a target time of 25 minutes from arrival to plan of management. Patients for Clinical Protocol and pathway are also seen in PRAM 2.

  • Acute Care Unit

This area is located behind the resuscitation unit. It comprises 23 rooms; 3 assigned for PRAM 2 and 6 for Clinical Decision Unit (CDU). Patients seen in PRAM 2 are referred to Acute Care rooms for further management to be achieved within a target time of 4 hours.

  • Clinical Decision Unit (CDU)

In Acute Care, the CDU is an observation unit for short stays (less than 16 hours). It has 6 rooms with a nurse-to-patient ratio of 1:3 so that patients can be watched closely. Guidelines and management plans were made for CDU patients so that they could get a safe discharge and not have to stay in the hospital for no reason.