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Middle East - North Africa National Comprehensive Cancer Network (MENA-NCCN) MENA Regional Center for NCCN Collaboration


Welcome to the website of for the Middle East - North Africa National Comprehensive Cancer Network (MENA-NCCN) MENA Regional Center for NCCN Collaboration.

This Center was developed to enhance communication and facilitate dissemination of cancer-related information including modification of NCCN Guidelines to colleagues in the MENA region.

We appreciate your constructive feedback as we grow and develop this service.

Again, thank you for visiting our website. We hope you will find the visit informative and rewarding.


Dr. Kanan Alshammari

Director, MENA-NCCN Coordinating Center

King Abdulaziz Medical City

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

The MENA-NCCN Initiative

The NCCN Guidelines have an effect worldwide, and more and more groups in different parts of the world are looking to adapt them.

Since then, the NCCN has started outreach programs to share its vast knowledge and resources with interested groups. Regional rules have come out of these efforts in China, Japan, Korea, Latin America, and most recently, the MENA

The Middle East and North African countries stretching from Morocco in the west to India in the east and from Turkey to Yemen in the south (North-South).

Oncology experts and people with a lot of influence formed seven committees: Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Hepatobiliary Cancer, Lymphomas, and Palliative Care. The committees looked at the NCCN Guidelines to see if they needed to be changed to make them more useful in the MENA region. Based on scientific evidence and regional experience, each committee came up with a list of changes that needed to be made to the NCCN Guidelines. These changes to the guidelines were talked about with NCCN experts in the US and then summed up in a full manuscript for each area. Making the MENA-NCCN Guidelines sparked a lot of interest in the region to create more evidence-based practices and network and work together more.

Goals of MENA-NCCN Initiative:

  • To help regional Oncology health care professionals develop an evidence-based practice through the adaptation of NCCN Guidelines.
  • To help build regional capacity in the evidence based medicine.
  • To encourage collaborative activities among oncology health care professionals to disseminate knowledge and exchange expertise.

MENA-NCCN Open Participation

MMENA NCCN open registration allows you to participate in the process of “ adapt evidence-based treatment in the region “ and to be submitted on the upcoming guideline publication.

The Medial East and North Africa (MENA NCCN) open registration allows you to participate in the process of adaption the NCCN guidelines to our region and allows the Committee to identify and discuss the contribution that you submit, if your inputs are accepted by the committee you will be acknowledged as a contributor to the published adaptation.

User Instructions:

  1. Register in MENA NCCN[Registration Form]

  2. Choose the guideline to modify [ registration required on

  3. Browse the latest updates of the Middle East & North Africa guidelines 2025: 

  4. Please fill in this Excel sheet MENA-NCCN Guidelines Modifications Template with the suggesting modification and supporting evidence.
  5. Please email us the suggested modification on and we will be happy to get back to you.​​


Dr. Kanan M. Alshammari, MD  

Dr. Kanan M. Alshammari, MD

Director, (MENA) (NCCN) Coordinating Center King Abdulaziz Medical City Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs Riyadh, KSA
Dr. Crystal S. Denlinger, MD  

Dr. Crystal S. Denlinger, MD

Chief Executive Officer National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) USA​