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Privacy Policy
This service allows the patients who wish to book a new appointment at one of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs facilities or the National Guard health centers the feature of booking appointments, as well as displaying all upcoming and previous appointments and appointment requests within a specific period of time.
In addition, it allows the patients to send the appointment ticket via email and display it in PDF format.
It also provides the patients with the service of displaying the clinic location coordinates where the appointment was booked.
Arabic and English
IOS Application , Android Application
Log-in to the Patient Services portal using your Nafath, biometric, or credentials.
Go to the Main Page in the Patient Services Portal.
Click on the Appointments icon.
Click on the button [Book New Appointment] then choose the type of clinic, the hospital, then the clinic and click on the button [Search].
Choose a suitable date and time to book the appointment.
A pop-up message will appear, displaying all the appointment details.
Review the message details, then click on the button [Confirm].
You will receive a message confirming your appointment.
An active medical file that is eligible to get the service in one of the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs facilities or National Guard health centers.
The patient must be eligible for treatment at the clinic that he or she wishes to book into.
National ID or Iqama number.
Mobile Number.
Military or employment enrollment confirmation.
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