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Dulani Service

Dulani service aims to provide an accurate directional guide to help patients reach their destination effortlessly through MNGHA Care Mobile Application.

To get the service on the Patient Service App

MNGHA Care mobile  

Contact us

Riyadh: +966-11-8011111


​It is a service that aims to provide an accurate directional guide to help you reach your destination in a simple and easy way, using your mobile phone through the MNGHA Patient portal application.

​Yes, you can use this service through log-in into MNGHA Patient portal application and searching for the place you want to visit.
Dulani servise allow you to find and explore Clinics, laboratory, Radiology, Pharmacy, Patient Services offices and others places.

​You must log in in order to us this service. 

​No, you should make sure that your device is connected to the internet.
Comments & suggestions For any inquiry or feedback on the current page, please fill the required information.

Full Name

Service evaluation