Official Saudi Government website URL ends with

Website belongs to an official government organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always ends with

Official Secure websites use HTTPS

Secured governments websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia use Https encryption.

Registered on Digital Government Authority: 20221231224

Patient Safety & Quality Standards

In conjunction with the MNGHA mission, vision, and values, the department of Patient Safety and Quality Standards aims to give collaborative direction to Quality and Patient Safety initiatives within Nursing Services at PMBAH. The main strategies are to:

  • Align Nursing Services programs and activities with the NGHA mission, vision, and values.
  • Involve all nursing staff levels in quality improvement activities related to patient safety and care delivery (by measuring outcome and monitoring performance indicators -quality audits).
  • Embed a Patient Safety and patient-centered culture within Nursing Services.
  • Attain and maintain International Patient Safety standards.
  • Ensure the delivery of safe and high-quality care by utilizing scientific and research methods.

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