Dental Services

Dental Services deliver the best oral and dental care for all MNG employees and their dependents providing optimal care for patients and preventive dental care services for the community.

Department Capacity

Dental Services at FM&PHC has a total of 49 dental clinics distributed at 6 PHCs in Riyadh, and 5 PHCs out of Riyadh ( AL Qassim, Hail, Rafha, Arar, Najran) treating More than 10,000 patients monthly.

Scope of Services

The following departments are an integral component of the organization and allow for optimal provision of patient care and services.

  • General Dentistry: provide general dental examination and treatment for adults and children, e.g. dental fillings, tooth extractions, consultation on dental health care, emergency dental treatment, and dental hygiene.
  • Advance General Dentistry (AGD): provide comprehensive dental treatment for adults e.g. complex restorations, root canal treatment, replacement of missing teeth.
  • Restorative Dentistry: provide complex restorative treatments, and cosmetic dental treatments.
  • Pediatric Dentistry: provide treatment to patients from newborn to 12 years old, and do the necessary dental treatment. In addition to provide preventive dental care services, i.e., caries risk assessment, oral hygiene instructions, dietary advices, fluoride treatments and fissure sealant.
  • Dental Hygiene Clinics: provide preventive and prophylactic services and oral health education.
  • Preventive Dentistry: provide public health activities, and lectures to medical staff. In addition to dental health programs for well babies, preschool children, school students, and pregnant ladies.

Clinical Programs

  • Internship training of dentists

Dr. Salman Al Nemer

  • Internship training of dental assistants

Mrs. Asma Al Enezi

Contact us


Phone: +966-11-8011111 Ext.: 41928 , 41925