
To provide a high-quality patient flow system that utilizes resources efficiently, reduces waste and improves patient outcomes in compliance with the MNGHA policies and procedures.


Exemplary patient flow and better patient outcome and hospital resources utilization.


Working simultaneously, with transparency towards high standards of patient safety and satisfaction, healthcare workers reach brilliance, empathy, efficacy, and leadership in patient flow and inpatient case management.

Department Capacity

  • Active Inpatient Beds (519)
  • Adult & Pediatrics ICU Beds (90)
  • Short Stay Beds (61)
  • ER Beds (39)
  • Total KAMC-JED Beds (709)
  • OR & Recoveries Beds (47)
  • Admissions (inpatient) average per year average (22000) patients.
  • Admissions (short stay) average per year average (4500) patients.

Scope of Services


  • The admission section is decentralized; hence the offices are designated to each center according to the necessary service (Main Office, Oncology, Cardiac, ACC, Day Surgery, and Day Case).
  • The medical city's beds are regulated and monitored by the bed management department in collaboration with the nursing and other allied health to achieve optimum patient care.
  • The peri-operative scheduling module is a cooperative system with the admission office, surgeons, surgical coordinators, and operating booking room.

Case Management:

  • The case management service is centralized.
  • Most of the hospital's inpatient areas are controlled and monitored by the case managers and discharge planners except the critical care area. The case managers regulate the patient flow daily with the physicians and other allied health care workers (nursing, social workers, patient education, home health care, patient relation, EMS, rehabilitation, radiology).

Medical Coordination:

  • The Medical Coordination Office is centralized.
  • The office regulated and monitored electronically all transfer in/out processes of patient transfer from/to other hospitals.
  • With the help of all medical specialty Chairmen and section heads, the office reply to the customer within 24 to 48 hours, either their request approved or disapproved.
  • Accepting the MOH EAHALTY SYSTEM requests and reply to them within 48 working hours.
  • This office has provided King Abdulaziz Medical City – Jeddah with a more efficient collaboration system regarding patient transfer from/to other hospitals called Process Sharing & Request Tracking (PSRT).


Admission Office

  • Head Name: Mr. Mohammed Al Hassani – Supervisor

Case Management

  • Head Name: Mr. Abdullah Al Ghamdi – A/Supervisor

Medical Coordination

  • Head Name: Dr. Ali Al Montasheri - Chief


Dr. Ibrahim Al Omary

Department Chairman

Contact Us

Email: Bedmgmtwr@ngha.med.sa

Phone and Extensions:

Chairman Ext. 66488

Assistant Director Ext. 66499

Admission Supervisor Office Ext. 66433

Case Management Supervisor Office Ext. 66492/99493

Medical Coordination Chief Office Ext. 66477

Admin Assistant Ext. 66480

Call Centers

Admission Office (62800)

Case Management (66688)

Medical Coordination (62020)