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Achievements of Genetics and Precision Medicine

  1. The department is approved as a site for the Fellowship of Canadian College of Medical Genetics (FCCMG) exam, which we gave to one candidate this year.
  2. Implementing an algorithm and working with the planning and logistics department to make sure the metabolic formula is available and adjusting the AMU to keep it from going bad will improve the health of our metabolic and genetic patients and cut down on the number of times they need to stay in the hospital.
  3. Implementing an algorithm and working with the clinical pharmacist and planning/logistics department to make sure that non-formulary medications that help our metabolic and genetic patients get better and reduce the number of times they have to stay in the hospital are available.
  4. Set up the Department of Genetic and Precision Medicine (GPM).
  5. Every year, more and more research papers from the department are published.
  6. All MNGHA facilities were given the NBS program.
  7. IEM APP was put into place online.

Department statistics shows the number of inpatient admission, consultations and outpatient.

The statistics for Inpatient Admissions from 2015 – 2019 continue increasing to more than six times the number of patients admitted under the care of the genetics team. The inpatient consultation also increased within five years, from 2015 – 2019 to twice the number of patients. The number of patients visiting the genetics clinic in the same years increased almost four times during those five years.