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1.Alfadhel M, AlAmir A. Senior – Loken Syndrome in a Saudi child. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation. 2008; 19(3):443-445.

2. Leitch CC, Zaghloul NA, Davis EE, Stoetzel C, Diaz-Font A, Rix S, Alfadhel M, Lewis RA, Eyaid W, Banin E, Dollfus H, Beales PL, Badano JL, Katsanis N. Hypomorphic mutations in syndromic encephalocele genes are associated with Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Nature Genetics. 2008;40(4):443-448.

3.Alfadhel M, Pugash D, Robinson AJ, Murphy JJ, Senger C, Afshar K, Armstrong L. Pre- and Postnatal Findings in a Boy with Duplication of the Bladder and Intestine. Report and Review. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 2009; 149A (12):2795-2802. Review.

4.Alfadhel M, LillquistYP, Waters PJ, Sinclair G, Struys E, McFadden D, et al. Infantile cardioencephalopathy due to a COX 15 gene defect: Report and review.. Am J Med Genet A. 2011(4):840-844. (Abstract presented in 11th International Congress of Inborn Error of Metabolism). Review.

5.Alfadhe M, Sirrs S. Enzyme replacement therapy for Fabry disease: some answers but more questions Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2011;7:69-82. Review.

6. Mattman A, Sirrs S, Michelle MM, Salvarinova R, Alfadhel M, Lillquist YP. Mitochondrial Disease Clinical Manifestations: An overview BCMJ, 2011; 53 (4): 183-187.

7.Alfadhel M, Yong SL, Lillquist YP, Langlois S. Precocious Puberty in Two Girls with PEHO Syndrome: a Clinical Feature Not Previously Described. Child Neurol. 2011 Jul;26(7):851-857. Review.

8.Alfadhel M, Lillquist YP, Davis S, Junker AK, Stockler-Ipsiroglu S. Eighteen Year Follow-up of a Patient with Cobalamin F disease (cblF) and Review of Case. Am J Med Genet A. 2011 Oct; 155(10):2571-2577.

9.Alfadhel M, Sirrs S, Waters PJ, Szeitz A, Struys E, Coulter-Mackie M, Stockler-Ipsiroglu. Variability of phenotype in two sisters with pyridoxine dependent epilepsy. Can J Neurol Sci. 2012 Jul;39(4):516-519.

10.Alfadhel M, Alhasan KA, Alotaibi M, Al Fakeeh K. Extreme intrafamilial variability of Saudi brothers with primary hyperoxaluria type 1. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012;8:373-376.

11.Eyaid W, Al Harbi T, Anazi S, Wamelink MM, Jakobs C, Alfadhel M, et al. Transaldolase deficiency: report of 12 new cases and further delineation of the phenotype. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2013 Jan 12.

12.Alfadhel M, Almuntashri M, Jadah RH, Al Rifai MT, Al Shalaan H, Eyaid W, et al. Biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease should be renamed biotin-thiamine-responsive basal ganglia disease: a retrospective review of the clinical, radiological and molecular findings of 18 new cases. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2013 Jun 6;8:83. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-8-83. (Highly Accessed)

13.Alfadhel M, Al-Thihli K, Moubayed H, Eyaid W, Al-Jeraisy M. Drug treatment of inborn errors of metabolism: a systematic review. Arch Dis Child. 2013 Jun;98(6):454-61.

14. Jassim N, Alghaihab M, Al Saleh S, Alfadhel M, Wamelink MM, Eyaid W. Pulmonary Manifestations of in Patient with Transaldolase Deficiency. JIMD Rep. 2013 Jul 12.

15.Alfadhel M, AlShehhi W, Alshaalan H, Al Balwi M, Eyaid W. Mucolipidosis II: first report from Saudi Arabia. Ann Saudi Med. 2013 Jul-Aug;33(4):382-6.

16. Tabarki B, Al-Hashem A, Alfadhel M. Biotin-Thiamine-Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Bird TD, Dolan CR, Fong CT, Smith RJH, Stephens K, editors. GeneReviews™ [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2013

17. Al-Hussaini A, Faqeih E, El-Hattab AW, Alfadhel M, Asery A, Eyaid W, et al. Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome Is Associated with Neonatal Cholestasis and Liver Failure. J Pediatr. 2013 Dec 7. pii: S0022-3476(13)01378-4

18.Alfadhel M, Kattan R. Aromatic amino Acid decarboxylase deficiency not responding to pyridoxine and bromocriptine therapy: case report and review of response to treatment. J Cent Nerv Syst Dis. 2014 Jan 7;6:1-5.

19. Sarkhy AA, Al-Sunaid A, Abdullah A, AlFadhel M, Eiyad W. A novel MPV17 gene mutation in a Saudi infant causing fatal progressive liver failure. Ann Saudi Med. 2014;34(2):175-8

20. Alrifai MT, AlShaya MA, Abulaban A, Alfadhel M. Hereditary neurometabolic causes of infantile spasms in 80 children presenting to a tertiary care center. Pediatr Neurol. 2014 Sep;51(3):390-7

21.Alfadhel M, Saleh N, Alenazi H, Baffoe-Bonnie H. Acute intermittent porphyria caused by novel mutation in HMBS gene, misdiagnosed as cholecystitis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2014 Nov 12;10:2135-7.

22. Al-Hassnan ZN, Al-Dosary M, Alfadhel M, Faqeih EA, Alsagob M, Kenana R, et al. ISCA2 mutation causes infantile neurodegenerative mitochondrial disorder. J Med Genet. 2015 Mar;52(3):186-94.

23. Alazami AM, Patel N, Shamseldin HE, Anazi S, Alfadhel M,Al Mutairi F, et. al. Accelerating Novel Candidate Gene Discovery in Neurogenetic Disorders via Whole-Exome Sequencing of Prescreened Multiplex Consanguineous Families. Cell Rep. 2015 Jan 13;10(2):148-61.

24.Alfadhel M, Alrifai MT, Trujillano D, Alshaalan H, Al Othaim A, Eyaid W, et al. Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency: New Inborn Errors of Metabolism. JIMD Rep. 2015 Feb 8.

25. Tabarki B, Alfadhel M, AlShahwan S, Hundallah K, AlShafi S, AlHashem A. Treatment of biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease: Open comparative study between the combination of biotin plus thiamine versus thiamine alone. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2015 Jun 12. pii: S1090-3798(15)00105-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2015.05.008.

26. Hollink IH, Alfadhel M, Al-Wakeel AS, Ababneh F, Pfundt R, de Man SA, et al. Broadening the phenotypic spectrum of pathogenic LARP7 variants: two cases with intellectual disability, variable growth retardation and distinct facial features. J Hum Genet. 2015 Nov 26.

27. Al-Rumayyan A, Klein C, Alfadhel M.Early-Onset Parkinsonism: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Pediatr Neurol. 2017 Feb;67:102-106.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2015.06.005.

28. Imtiaz F, Al-Mubarak BM, Al-Mostafa A, Al-Mutairi F, Alfadhel M, Eyaid WM, et al. Spectrum of Mutations in 60 Saudi Patients with Mut Methylmalonic Acidemia. JIMD Rep. 2015 Nov 29

29. Shamseldin HE, Bennett AH, Alfadhel M, Gupta V, Alkuraya FS. GOLGA2, encoding a master regulator of golgi apparatus, is mutated in a patient with a neuromuscular disorder. Hum Genet. 2016 Feb;135(2):245-51. doi: 10.1007/s00439-015-1632-8.

30. Alazami AM, Al-Qattan SM, Faqeih E, Alhashem A, Alshammari M, Alfadhel M, et. al. Expanding the clinical and genetic heterogeneity of hereditary disorders of connective tissue. Hum Genet. 2016 May;135(5):525-40.

31.Alfadhel M,Mutairi FA, Makhseed N, Jasmi FA, Al-Thihli K, Al-Jishi E, AlSayed M, Al-Hassnan ZN, Al-Murshedi F, Häberle J, Ben-Omran T. Guidelines for acute management of hyperammonemia in the Middle East region. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2016 Mar 31;12:479-87.

32. Alrifai MT, Alfadhel M. Worsening of Seizures after Asparagine Supplementation in a Child with Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency. Pediatr Neurol. 2016 May;58:98-100.

33. Tarailo-Graovac M, Shyr C, Ross CJ, Horvath GA, Salvarinova R, Alfadhel M, et. al. Exome Sequencing and the Management of Neurometabolic Disorders. N Engl J Med. 2016 Jun 9;374(23):2246-55.

34. Anazi S, Maddirevula S, Faqeih E, Alsedairy H, Alfadhel M, Eyaid W, et. al. Clinical genomics expands the morbid genome of intellectual disability and offers a high diagnostic yield. Mol Psychiatry. 2017 Apr;22(4):615-624. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016

35. Sass JO, Gemperle-Britschgi C, Tarailo-Graovac M, Patel N, Walter M, Alfadhel M, et. al. Unravelling 5-oxoprolinuria (pyroglutamic aciduria) due to bi-allelic OPLAH mutations: 20 new mutations in 14 families. Mol Genet Metab. 2016 Sep;119(1-2):44-9.

36.Alfadhel M, Nashabat M, Qahtani HA, Alfares A, Mutairi FA, Shaalan HA, et. al. Mutation in SLC6A9 encoding a glycine transporter causes a novel form of non-ketotic hyperglycinemia in humans. Hum Genet. 2016 Aug 1

37. Alamri H, Al Mutairi F, Alothman J, Alothaim A, Alfadhel M, Alfares A. Diabetic ketoacidosis in vanishing white matter. Clin Case Rep. 2016 Jun 17;4(8):717-20.

38. Alwadei AH, Benini R, Mahmoud A, Alasmari A, Kamsteeg EJ, Alfadhel M. Loss-of-function mutation in RUSC2 causes intellectual disability and secondary microcephaly. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2016 Sep 9

39.Alfadhel M, Benmeakel M, Hossain MA, Al Mutairi F, Al Othaim A, Eyaid W, et. al. Thirteen year retrospective review of the spectrum of inborn errors of metabolism presenting in a tertiary center in Saudi Arabia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2016 Sep 15;11(1):126.

40. Trujillano D, Bertoli-Avella AM, Kumar Kandaswamy K, Weiss ME, Eyaid W, Alfadhel M, et. al. Clinical exome sequencing: results from 2819 samples reflecting 1000 families. Eur J Hum Genet. 2017 Feb;25(2):176-182.

41.Alfadhel M, Nashabat M, Abu Ali Q, Hundallah K. Mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis from molecular understanding to clinical disease. Neurosciences (Riyadh). 2017 Jan;22(1):4-13.

42. Obaid A, Nashabat M, Al Fakeeh K, Al Qahtani AT, Alfadhel M. Delineation of cystinuria in Saudi Arabia: A case series. BMC Nephrol. 2017 Feb 6;18(1):50.

43. Alfakeeh K, Azar M, Alfadhel M, Abdullah AM, Aloudah N, Alsaad KO. Rare genetic variant in the CFB gene presenting as atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome and immune complex diffuse membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, with crescents, successfully treated with eculizumab. Pediatr Nephrol. 2017 Feb 16.

44.Alfadhel M, Al Othaim A, Al Saif S, El Mutairi F, Alsayed M, Eyaid W, et. al. Expanded Newborn Screening Program in Saudi Arabia: Incidence of screened disorders. J Paediatr Child Health. 2017 Mar 24

45. Alfares A, Alfadhel M, Wani T, Alluhaydan I, Al Mutairi F, Eyaid W, et. al. A multicenter clinical exome study in unselected cohorts from a consanguineous population of Saudi Arabia demonstrated a high diagnostic yield. Mol Genet Metab. 2017 Jun;121(2):91-95.

46.Al Mutairi F, Shamseldin HE, Alfadhel M, Rodenburg RJ, Alkuraya FS. A lethal neonatal phenotype of mitochondrial short-chain enoyl-CoA hydratase-1 deficiency. Clin Genet. 2017 Apr;91(4):629-633

47. Alshenqiti A, Nashabat M, AlGhoraibi H, Tamimi O, Alfadhel M. Pulmonary hypertension and vasculopathy in incontinentia pigmenti: a case report. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2017 May 9;13:629-634

48. Nashabat M, Maegawa G, Nissen PH, Nexo E, Al-Shamrani H, Al-Owain M, Alfadhel M. Long-term Outcome of 4 Patients With Transcobalamin Deficiency Caused by 2 Novel TCN2 Mutations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2017 May 22.

49. Hossain MA, Obaid A, Rifai M, Alem H, Alfadhel M, Eyaid W, et al. Early onset of Fazio-Londe syndrome: the first case report from the Arabian Peninsula. Hum Genome Var. 2017 May 25.

50. Monies D, Abouelhoda M, AlSayed M, Al Mutairi F, Eyaid W, Alfadhel M, et. al. The landscape of genetic diseases in Saudi Arabia based on the first 1000 diagnostic panels and exomes. Hum Genet. 2017 Aug;136(8):921-939.

51. Alsubhi S, Alhashem A, Faqeih E, Alfadhel M, Alfaifi A, Mutairi FA, et. al. Congenital disorders of glycosylation: The Saudi experience. Am J Med Genet A. 2017 Jul 25.

52. Gadomski TE, Bolton M, Alfadhel M, Dvorak C, Ogunsakin OA, Nelson SL, Morava E. ALG13-CDG in a male with seizures, normal cognitive development, and normal transferrin isoelectric focusing. Am J Med Genet A. 2017 Aug 4.

53. Ortigoza-Escobar JD, Alfadhel M, Molero-Luis M, Darin N, Spiegel R, de Coo IF, et. al; Thiamine Deficiency Study Group. Thiamine deficiency in childhood with attention to genetic causes: Survival and outcome predictors. Ann Neurol. 2017 Jul 18.

54. Windpassinger C, Piard J, Bonnard C, Alfadhel M, Lim S, Bisteau X, Blouin S, Ali NB, et. al. CDK10 Mutations in Humans and Mice Cause Severe Growth Retardation, Spine Malformations, and Developmental Delays. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 Sep 7;101(3):391-403.

55. Anazi S, Maddirevula S, Salpietro V, Asi YT, Alsahli S, Alfadhel M, et. al. Expanding the genetic heterogeneity of intellectual disability. Hum Genet. 2017 Nov;136(11-12):1419-1429.

56. El-Hattab AW, Dai H, Almannai M, Wang J, Faqeih EA, Al Alfadhel M, et. al. Molecular and clinical spectra of FBXL4 deficiency. Hum Mutat. 2017 Dec;38(12):1649-1659

57.Alfadhel M, Al-Bluwi A. Psychological Assessment of Patients With Biotin-Thiamine-Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease. Child Neurol Open. 2017 Sep 14;4

58.Alfadhel M, Tabarki B. SLC19A3 Gene Defects Sorting the Phenotype and Acronyms: Review. Neuropediatrics. 2017 Sep 29.

59. Obaid A, Nashabat M, Alfadhel M, Alasmari A, Al Mutairi F, Alswaid A, Eyaid W, et al. Clinical, Biochemical, and Molecular Features in 37 Saudi Patients with Very Long Chain Acyl CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency. JIMD Rep. 2017 Oct 5

60.Alfadhel M. Early Infantile Leigh-like SLC19A3 Gene Defects Have a Poor Prognosis: Report and Review.Further delineation of the phenotypic spectrum of ISCA2 defect: A report of ten new cases.J Cent Nerv Syst Dis. 2017 Oct 27;9

61. Al Mutairi F, Alfadhel M, Nashabat M, El-Hattab AW, Ben-Omran T, Eyaid W, et al. Phenotypic and Molecular Spectrum of Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome: A Study of 24 Patients. Pediatr Neurol. 2018 Jan;78:35-40.

62. Alfares A, Alhufayti I, Alsubaie L, Alowain M, Almass R, Alfadhel M, Kaya N, Eyaid W. Ann Hum Genet. A new association between CDK5RAP2 microcephaly and congenital cataracts. 2017 Dec 22. doi:

63. Alsultan A, Basher E, Alqanatish J, Mohammed R, Alfadhel M. Deficiency of ADA2 mimicking autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome in the absence of livedo reticularis and vasculitis. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018 Apr;65(4). doi: 10.1002/pbc.26912. Epub 2017 Dec 22.

64. El-Hattab AW, Wang J, Dai H, Almannai M, Staufner C, Alfadhel M, et al. MPV17-related mitochondrial DNA maintenance defect: New cases and review of clinical, biochemical, and molecular aspects. Hum Mutat. 2018 Apr;39(4):461-470. Doi

65. Anazi S, Maddirevula S, Salpietro V, Asi YT, Alsahli S, Alfadhel M, et al. Correction to: Expanding the genetic heterogeneity of intellectual disability. Hum Genet. 2018 Jan;137(1):105-109.

66. Pinto A, Alfadhel M, Akroyd R, Atik Altınok Y, Bernabei SM, Bernstein Let al. International practices in the dietary management of fructose 1-6 biphosphatase deficiency. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2018 Jan 25;13(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s13023-018-0760-3.

67. Alfadhel M, Nashabat M, Hundallah K, Al Hashem A, Alrumayyan A, Tabarki B. PRUNE Syndrome Is a New Neurodevelopmental Disorder: Report and Review. Child Neurol Open. 2018 Jan 11

68. Baldi C, Bertoli-Avella AM, Al-Sannaa N, Alfadhel M, Al-Thilhi K, Alameer S, Elmonairy AA, Al Shamsi AM, Abdelrahman HA, Al-Gazali L, Shawli A, Al Hakami F, Yavuz H, Kandaswamy KK, Rolfs A, Brandau O, Bauer P. Expanding the clinical and genetic spectra of NKX6-2-related disorder. Clin Genet. 2018 Feb 1. doi: 10.1111/cge.13221

69. Nashabat M, Al-Khenaizan S, Alfadhel M. Methionine adenosyltransferase I/III deficiency: beyond the central nervous system manifestations. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018 Feb 2;14:225-229. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S151732.

70. Althonaian N, Alsultan A, Morava E, Alfadhel M. Secondary Hemophagocytic Syndrome Associated with COG6 Gene Defect: Report and Review.

71. Bawazeer S, Alshalan M, Alkhaldi A, AlAtwi N, Alswaid A, Alfadhel M. Tetrasomy 18p: case report and review of literature. Appl Clin Genet. 2018 Feb 8;11:9-14. doi: 10.2147/TACG.S153469. eCollection 2018.

72. Alsahli S, Alrifai MT, Al Tala S, Mutairi FA, Alfadhel M. Further Delineation of the Clinical Phenotype of Cerebellar Ataxia, Mental Retardation, and Disequilibrium Syndrome Type 4. J Cent Nerv Syst Dis. 2018 Feb 28;10:1179573518759682. doi: 10.1177/1179573518759682. eCollection 2018.

73. Alfares A, Aloraini T, Subaie LA, Mutairi FA, Alswaid A, Eyaid W, Alfadhel M, et. al. Whole-genome sequencing offers additional but limited clinical utility compared with reanalysis of whole-exome sequencing.

74. Hollink IHIM, Alfadhel M, Al-Wakeel AS, Ababneh F, Pfundt R, de Man SA, et. al. Correction: Broadening the phenotypic spectrum of pathogenic LARP7 variants: two cases with intellectual disability, variable growth retardation and distinct facial features. J Hum Genet. 2018 Apr;63(4):539. doi: 10.1038/s10038-017-0373-z. Epub 2018 Mar 8.

75. Maddirevula S, Alsahli S, Alhabeeb L, Patel N, Alzahrani F, Alfadhel M, et. al. Expanding the phenome and variome of skeletal dysplasia. Genet Med. 2018 Apr 5. doi: 10.1038/gim.2018.50. [Epub ahead of print]

76. BoAli AY, Alfadhel M, Tabarki B. Neurometabolic disorders and congenital malformations of the central nervous system. Neurosciences (Riyadh). 2018 Apr;23(2):97-103. doi: 10.17712/nsj.2018.2.20170481.

77. Williams M, Valayannopoulos V, Altassan R, Chung WK, Heijboer AC, Alfadhel M, et. al. Clinical, biochemical, and molecular overview of transaldolase deficiency and evaluation of the endocrine function: update of 34 patients. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2018 May 2. doi: 10.1007/s10545-018-0184-1.

78. Alsahli S, Arold ST, Alfares A, Alhaddad B, Al Balwi M, Alfadhel M, et. al. KIF16B is a candidate gene for a novel autosomal-recessive intellectual disability syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2018 Jul;176(7):1602-1609. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.38723. Epub 2018 May 7.

79. Nahorski MS, Maddirevula S, Ishimura R, Alsahli S, Alfadhel M, Eyaid W, et. al. Biallelic UFM1 and UFC1 mutations expand the essential role of ufmylation in brain development. Brain. 2018 Jul 1;141(7):1934-1945. doi: 10.1093/brain/awy135.

80. Alghamdi J, Matou-Nasri S, Alghamdi F, Alghamdi S, Alfadhel M, Padmanabhan S. Risk of neuropsychiatric adverse effects of lipid-lowering drugs: A Mendelian Randomization study. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2018 Jul 7. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyy060.

81. Al-Rakan MA, Abothnain MD, Alrifai MT, Alfadhel M. Extending the ophthalmological phenotype of Galloway-Mowat syndrome with distinct retinal dysfunction: a report and review of ocular findings. BMC Ophthalmol. 2018 Jun 22;18(1):147. doi: 10.1186/s12886-018-0820-4. Review.

82. Alghamdi J, Matou-Nasri S, Alfadhel M, Al Mutairi F, Alswaid A, Eyaid W, et. al. Epilepsy in Propionic Acidemia: Case Series of 14 Saudi Patients. J Child Neurol. 2018 Oct;33(11):713-717. doi: 10.1177/0883073818786157. Epub 2018 Jul 17.

83. Yavuz H, Bertoli-Avella AM, Alfadhel M, Al-Sannaa N, Kandaswamy KK, Al-Tuwaijri W, et. al. A founder nonsense variant in NUDT2 causes a recessive neurodevelopmental disorder in Saudi Arab children. Clin Genet. 2018 Oct;94(3-4):393-395. doi: 10.1111/cge.13386. Epub 2018 Jul 30.

84. Hijazi L, Kashgari A, Alfadhel M. Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency: A Case Series With a Novel Mutation. J Child Neurol. 2018 Nov;33(13):820-824. doi: 10.1177/0883073818790851. Epub 2018 Aug 20.

85.Alfadhel M, Babiker A. Inborn errors of metabolism associated with hyperglycaemic ketoacidosis and diabetes mellitus: narrative review.

86. Alsultan A, Al-Suliman AM, Aleem A, AlGahtani FH, Alfadhel M. Utilizing Whole-Exome Sequencing to Characterize the Phenotypic Variability of Sickle Cell Disease. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2018 Sep;22(9):561-567. doi: 10.1089/gtmb.2018.0058. Epub 2018 Sep 5.

87.Alfadhel M, El-Hattab AW. Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency. In: Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Pagon RA, Wallace SE, Bean LJH, Stephens K, Amemiya A, editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2018. 2018 Sep 20.

88. Maddirevula S, Alzahrani F, Al-Owain M, Al Muhaizea MA, Kayyali HR, Alluhaydan I, Alfadhel M, et. al. Autozygome and high throughput confirmation of disease genes candidacy Genet Med. 2018 Sep 21. doi: 10.1038/s41436-018-0138-x. [Epub ahead of print]

89. Alsahli S, Bubshait DK, Rahbeeni ZA, Alfadhel M. Aortic calcification in Gaucher disease: a case report. Appl Clin Genet. 2018 Oct 17;11:107-110. doi: 10.2147/TACG.S180995. eCollection 2018.

90. Shashi V, Magiera MM, Klein D, Zaki M, Schoch K, Alfadhel M, et. al. Loss of tubulin deglutamylase CCP1 causes infantile-onset neurodegeneration. EMBO J. 2018 Dec 3;37(23). pii: e100540. doi: 10.15252/embj.2018100540. Epub 2018 Nov 12.

91. Umair M, Ahmad F, Bilal M, Ahmad W, Alfadhel M. Clinical Genetics of Polydactyly: An Updated Review. Front Genet. 2018 Nov 6;9:447. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00447. eCollection 2018.

92. Alhusani A, Obaid A, Blom HJ, Wedell A, Alfadhel M. Adenosine Kinase Deficiency: Report and Review. Neuropediatrics. 2018 Nov 26. doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1676053. [Epub ahead of print]

93.Alfadhel M. Prevention genetics program is an efficient model for precision medicine. Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 2018 Nov-Dec;12(6):1-2.

94. Alshenaifi J, Ewida N, Anazi S, Eyaid W, Alswaid A, Alfadhel M, et. al. The many faces of peroxisomal disorders: Lessons from a large Arab cohort. Clin Genet. 2019 Feb;95(2):310-319. doi: 10.1111/cge.13481.

95.Alfadhel M, Albahkali S, Almuaysib A, Alrfaei BM. The SORCS3 gene is mutated in brothers with infantile spasms and intellectual disability. Discov Med. 2018 Oct;26(143):147-153

96. Al-Hamed MH, Imtiaz F, Al-Hassnan Z, Al-Owain M, Alfadhel M, Almutairi F, et. al. Spectrum of mutations underlying Propionic acidemia and further insight into a genotype-phenotype correlation for the common mutation in Saudi Arabia. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2019 Jan 9;18:22-29.

97. Younus M, Ahmad F, Malik E, Bilal M, Kausar M, Alfadhel M, et. al. SGCD Homozygous Nonsense Mutation (p.Arg97∗) Causing Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2F (LGMD2F) in a Consanguineous Family, a Case Report. Front Genet. 2019 Jan 23;9:727. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.0072

98. Williams M, Valayannopoulos V, Altassan R, Chung WK, Alfadhel M, Eyaid W, et. al. Clinical, biochemical, and molecular overview of transaldolase deficiency and evaluation of the endocrine function: Update of 34 patients. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2019 Jan;42(1):147-158. doi: 10.1002/jimd.12036.

99. Ehaideb SN, Al-Bu Ali MJ, Al-Obaid JJ, Aljassim KM, Alfadhel M. Novel Homozygous Mutation in the WWOX Gene Causes Seizures and Global Developmental Delay: Report and Review. Transl Neurosci. 2018 Dec 31;9:203-208. doi: 10.1515/tnsci-2018-0029. eCollection 2018.

100. Alsahli S, Al Anazi A, Al Hatlani MM, Kashgari A, Alfadhel M, Al Mutairi F. Severe Crohn's Disease Manifestations in a Child with Cystathionine β-Synthase Deficiency. ACG Case Rep J. 2018 Dec 5;5:e93. doi: 10.14309/crj.2018.93. eCollection 2018.

101. Al Tuwaijri A, Alfadhel M. MYT1L mutation in a patient causes intellectual disability and early onset of obesity: a case report and review of the literature. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Feb 23. pii: /j/jpem.ahead-of-print/jpem-2018-0505/jpem-2018-0505.xml. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2018-0505.

102. Alfallaj R, Alfadhel M. Glycine Transporter 1 Encephalopathy From Biochemical Pathway to Clinical Disease: Review. Child Neurol Open. 2019 Feb 19;6:2329048X19831486. doi:

103. Almannai M, Felemban R, Saleh MA, Faqeih EA, Eyaid W, Alfadhel M, et. al. 6-Pyruvoyltetrahydropterin Synthase Deficiency: Review and Report of 28 Arab Subjects. Pediatr Neurol. 2019 Feb 18. pii: S0887-8994(18)30995-0. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2019.02.008. [Epub ahead of print]

104. Umair M, Bilal M, Ali RH, Alhaddad B, Ahmad F, Abdullah, Alfadhel M, et al. Whole-exome sequencing revealed a nonsense mutation in STKLD1 causing non-syndromic pre-axial polydactyly type A affecting only upper limb. Clin Genet. 2019 Apr 3. doi: 10.1111/cge.13547. [Epub ahead of print]

105. Saoura M, Powell CA, Kopajtich R, Alahmad A, Al-Balool HH, Alfadhel M, et. al. Mutations in ELAC2 associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy impair mitochondrial tRNA 3'-end processing. Hum Mutat. 2019 May 2. doi: 10.1002/humu.23777. [Epub ahead of print]

106. Nashabat M, Al-Khenaizan S, Alfadhel M. Report of a Case that Expands the Phenotype of Infantile Krabbe Disease. Am J Case Rep. 2019 May 4;20:643-646. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.914275.

107. Nashabat M, Al Qahtani XS, Almakdob S, Altwaijri W, Ba-Armah DM, Alfadhel M, et. Al. The landscape of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy in a consanguineous population. Seizure. 2019 Apr 27;69:154-172. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2019.04.018. [Epub ahead of print]

108.Alfadhel M. Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 4 due to ISCA2 Gene Defects: a Review.Child Neurology Open

109. Massadeh S, Alaamery M, Umair M, Alfadhel M. A Novel Homozygous Non-sense Mutation in the Catalytic Domain of MTHFR Causes Severe 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Deficiency. Frontiers in Neurology. 2019April;10:

110. Umair M, Wasif N, Albalawi AM, Ramzan K, Alfadhel M, Ahmad W, Basit S. Exome sequencing revealed a novel loss-of-function variant in the GLI3 transcriptional activator 2 domain underlies nonsyndromic postaxial polydactyly. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2019 May 21:e627. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.627. [Epub ahead of print]

111. Nashabat M, Al Mutairi F, Ababneh F, Eyaid W, Alswaid A, Alfadhel M, et al. Evaluation of long-term effectiveness of the use of carglumic acid in patients with propionic acidemia (PA) or methylmalonic acidemia (MMA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatr. 2019 Jun 13;19(1):195. doi: 10.1186/s12887-019-1571-y.

112. AlSaif S, Umair M, Alfadhel M. Biallelic SCN2A Gene Mutation Causing Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy: Case Report and Review. J Cent Nerv Syst Dis. 2019 May 15;11:1179573519849938. Doi

113. Barhoumi T, Nashabat M, Alghanem B, Alhallaj A, Boudjelal M, Alfadhel M, et al. Delta Like-1 Gene Mutation: A Novel Cause of Congenital Vertebral Malformation. Front Genet. 2019 Jun 5;10:534. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00534.

114. Al-Dirbashi OY, Alfadhel M, Al-Thihli K, Al Dhahouri N, Langhans CD, et. al. Assessment of methylcitrate and methylcitrate to citrate ratio in dried blood spots as biomarkers for inborn errors of propionate metabolism.Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 26;9(1):12366. doi: 10.1038/s41598-01

115. Almannai M, Alfadhel M, El-Hattab AW. Carnitine Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Molecules. 2019 Sep 6;24(18). pii: E3251. doi: 10.3390/molecules24183251. Review.

116. Umair M, Khan A, Hayat A, Abbas S, Asiri A, Alfadhel M, et. al. Biallelic Missense Mutation in the ECEL1 Underlies Distal Arthrogryposis Type 5 (DA5D). Front Pediatr. 2019 Aug 28;7:343. doi: 10.3389/fped.2019.00343. eCollection 2019.

117.Alfadhel M, Umair M, Almuzzaini B, Alsaif S, AlMohaimeed SA, Almashary MA, et. al. Targeted

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118. Khan A, Wang R, Han S, Umair M, Abbas S, Alfadhel M, et. al.Homozygous missense variant in the TTN gene causing autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 10. BMC Med Genet. 2019 Oct 29;20(1):166. doi: 10.1186/s12881-019-0895-7. Erratum in: BMC Med Genet. 2019 Dec 12;20(1):195.

119. Umair M, Alfadhel M. Genetic Disorders Associated with Metal Metabolism. Cells. 2019 Dec 9;8(12). pii: E1598. doi: 10.3390/cells8121598. Review.

120. Alfares A, Alfadhel M, Mujamammi A, Alotaibi B, Albahkali S, Al Balwi M, et. al. Proteomic and Molecular Assessment of the Common Saudi Variant in ACADVL Gene Through Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Jan 10;7:365. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2019.00365. eCollection 2019

121. Aldosary M, Al-Bakheet A, Al-Dhalaan H, Almass R, Alsagob M, Alfadhel M, et. al. Rett Syndrome, a Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Whole-Transcriptome, and Mitochondrial Genome Multiomics Analyses Identify Novel Variations and Disease Pathways. OMICS. 2020 Feb 27. doi: 10.1089/omi.2019.0192.

122. Alhamoudi KM, Bhat J, Nashabat M, Alharbi M, Alyafee Y, Alfadhel M, et. al. A Missense Mutation in the UGDH Gene Is Associated With Developmental Delay and Axial Hypotonia. Front Pediatr. 2020 Feb 27;8:71. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.00071. eCollection 2020.

123. Almatrafi A, Umair M, Eldardear A, Al-Luqmani M, Hashmi JA, Alfadhel M, et al. A homozygous missense variant in the Homeobox domain of the NKX6-2 results in progressive spastic ataxia type 8 associated with lower-limbs weakness and neurological manifestations. J Gene Med. 2020 Apr 4:e3196. doi: 10.1002/jgm.3196. [Epub ahead of print]

124. Tabarki B, Al-Hashem A, Alfadhel M. Biotin-Thiamine-Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease. 2013 Nov 21 [updated 2020 Apr 16]. In: Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Pagon RA, Wallace SE, Bean LJH, Stephens K, Amemiya A, editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993–2020. PMID: 24260777

125. Alsubaie L, Alkhalaf R, Swaid A, Al Mutairi F, Alfadhel M, Eyaid W, MEFV c.2230G>T p.(Ala744Ser) rs61732874 previously misclassified as pathogenic variant due to lack of a population specific database. Ann Hum Genet. 2020 May 13. PMID: 32401353

126. Hayat A, Hussain S, Bilal M, Kausar M, Almuzzaini B, Alfadhel M, et. al. Biallelic Variants in Four Genes Underlying Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta

127.Al MutairiF, Alkhalaf R, Alkhorayyef A, Alroqi F, Yusra A, Alfadhel M, et. al. Homozygous Truncating NEK10 Mutation, Associated With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: A Case Report. BMC Pulm Med. 2020 May 15;20(1):141. doi: 10.1186/s12890-020-1175-1. PMID: 32414360.

128. Asiri A, Aloyouni E, Umair M, Alyafee Y, Al Tuwaijri A, Alfadhel M, et. al. Mutated RAP1GDS1 causes a new syndrome of dysmorphic feature, intellectual disability & speech delay. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 Jun;7(6):956-964. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51059. Epub 2020 May 19. PMID: 32431071.

129. Alsubaie L, Swaid A, Eyiad W, Al Mutairi F, Ababneh F, Alfadhel M, et. al. Genomic Testing and Counseling: The Contribution of Next-Generation Sequencing to Epilepsy Genetics. Ann Hum Genet. 2020 Jun 13. doi: 10.1111/ahg.12397. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32533790

130. Alfares A, Alswaid A, Eyaid W, Ababneh F, Al Mutairi F, Alfadhel M, et. Al. What is the right sequencing approach? Solo VS extended family analysis in consanguineous populations. BMC Med Genomics. 2020 Jul 17;13(1):103. doi: 10.1186/s12920-020-00743-8.

131. Alharby E, Faqeih EA, Saleh M, Alameer S, Eyaid W, Alfadhel M, et. al. Clinical, molecular, and biochemical delineation of asparagine synthetase deficiency in Saudi cohort. Genet Med. 2020 Aug 3. doi: 10.1038/s41436-020-0919-x. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32741967

132. Bertoli-Avella AM, Beetz C, Alswaid AF, Eyaid W, Al Mutairi F, Alfadhel M, et. Al. Successful application of genome sequencing in a diagnostic setting: 1007 index cases from a clinically heterogeneous cohort.Reardon W, Alanay Y, Rolfs A, Bauer P.Eur J Hum Genet. 2020 Aug 28. doi: 10.1038/s41431-020-00713-9

133. Umair M, Ballow M, Asiri A, Alyafee Y, Al Tuwaijri A, Alfadhel M, et. al. EMC10 homozygous variant identified in a family with global developmental delay, mild intellectual disability, and speech delay.Clin Genet. 2020 Sep 1. doi: 10.1111/cge.13842.

134. Aljassim N, Alfadhel M, Nashabat M, Eyaid W. Clinical presentation of seven patients with Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2020 Sep 2;25:100644. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgmr.2020.100644. eCollection 2020 Dec.

135. Maddirevula S, Ben-Omran T, AlMureikhi M, Eyaid W, Alfadhel M, Alkuraya FS et. al. Further delineation of HIDEA syndrome.Am J Med Genet A. 2020 Sep 23. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.61885

136. Ahmed A, Wang M, Bergant G, Alfadhel M, Eyaid W, Alswaid A, et. al. Biallelic loss-of-function variants in NEMF cause central nervous system impairment and axonal polyneuropathy.Hum Genet. 2020 Oct 13. doi: 10.1007/s00439-020-02226-3

137. Malak Alghamdi, Khalid A. Alhasan, Areej Taha Elawad, Suha Salim, Marwa Abdelhakim, Majid Alfadhel, et. Al. Diversity of Phenotype and Genetic Etiology of 23 Cystinuria Saudi Patients: A Retrospective Study Front Pediatr. 2020; 8: 569389. Published online 2020 Nov 11. oi: 10.3389/fped.2020.569389

140. Christian Beetz, Ana Westenberger, Ruslan Al‐Ali, Najim Ameziane, Fuad Al Mutairi, Majid Alfadhel, et. Al. LRRK2 Loss‐of‐Function Variants in Patients with Rare Diseases: No Evidence for a Phenotypic Impact. Mov Disord. 2021 Apr; 36(4): 1029–1031. Published online 2021 Jan 12. doi: 10.1002/mds.28452

141. Brahim Tabarki, Wejdan Hakami, Nader Alkhuraish, Kalthoum Tlili-Graies, Majid Alfadhel. Spinal Cord Involvement in Pediatric-Onset Metabolic Disorders With Mendelian and Mitochondrial Inheritance. Front Pediatr. 2020; 8: 599861. Published online 2021 Jan 14. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.599861

142. Yusra Alyafee, Abeer Al Tuwaijri, Qamre Alam, Muhammad Umair, Shahad Haddad, Majid Alfadhel, et. al. Next Generation Sequencing Based Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): First Report From Saudi Arabia. Front Genet. 2021; 12: 630787. Published online 2021 Feb 4. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.630787

143. Abdulaziz Asiri, Deemah Alwadaani, Muhammad Umair, Kheloud M. Alhamoudi, Majid Alfadhel, et. al. Pancytopenia, Recurrent Infection, Poor Wound Healing, Heterotopia of the Brain Probably Associated with A Candidate Novel de Novo CDC42 Gene Defect: Expanding the Molecular and Phenotypic Spectrum. Genes (Basel) 2021 Feb; 12(2): 294. Published online 2021 Feb 20. doi: 10.3390/genes12020294

144. William L. Macken, Annie Godwin, Gabrielle Wheway, Karen Stals, Liliya Nazlamova, Majid Alfadhel, et. Al. Biallelic variants in COPB1 cause a novel, severe intellectual disability syndrome with cataracts and variable microcephaly. Genome Med. 2021; 13: 34. Published online 2021 Feb 25. doi: 10.1186/s13073-021-00850-w.

145. Brahim Tabarki, Wejdan Hakami, Nader Alkhuraish, Kalthoum Graies-Tlili, Marwan Nashabat, Majid Alfadhel. Inherited Metabolic Causes of Stroke in Children: Mechanisms, Types, and Management. Front Neurol. 2021; 12: 633119. Published online 2021 Mar 4. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.633119

146. Yusra Alyafee, Qamre Alam, Abeer Al Tuwaijri, Muhammad Umair, Shahad Haddad, Majid Alfadhel et. al. Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A): First Report from Saudi Arabia. Genes (Basel) 2021 Apr; 12(4): 461. Published online 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.3390/genes12040461.

147. Aida M. Bertoli-Avella, Krishna K. Kandaswamy, Abdulrahman Faiz Alswaid, Wafaa Eyaid, Fuad Al Mutairi, Majid Alfadhel, et. al. Combining exome/genome sequencing with data repository analysis reveals novel gene–disease associations for a wide range of genetic disorders. Genet Med. 2021; 23(8): 1551–1568. Published online 2021 Apr 19. doi: 10.1038/s41436-021-01159-0.

148. Saud Mohammed Alwatban, Haifa Alfaraidi, Majid Alfadhel, Angham N Almutair. Case Report and Literature Review: Homozygous DNAJC3 Mutation in a Saudi Family Causing Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY), Hypothyroidism, Short Stature, Neurodegeneration, and Hearing Loss. J Endocr Soc. 2021 May 3; 5(Suppl 1): A696–A697. Published online 2021 May 3. doi: 10.1210/jendso/bvab048.1419

149. Manal Alaamery, Masheal Alharbi, Yazeid Alhaidan, Brahim Tabarki, Muhammad Umair, Majid Alfadhel. A homozygous nonsense mutation in DCBLD2 is a candidate cause of developmental delay, dysmorphic features and restrictive cardiomyopathy. Sci Rep. 2021; 11: 12861. Published online 2021 Jun 18. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-92026-0

150.Majid Alfadhel, Fuad Al Mutairi, Hamad Althiyab, Rayyan lbarakati, Faroug Ababneh, Abdulrahman Faiz Alswaid, Wafaa M. Eyaid, et. al. The Leukodystrophy Spectrum in Saudi Arabia: Epidemiological, Clinical, Radiological, and Genetic Data. Front Pediatr. 2021; 9: 633385. Published online 2021 May 13. doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.633385

151. Wafaa Eyaid, Surrender Joshi, Abbas Al-Abbad, Cedric A. Quick. Cor pulmonale secondary to upper airway obstruction. Saudi Medical Journal 1990; 10(4).

152. Iain McIntosh, Sandra D Dreyer, Mark V Clough, Jennifer A Dunston, Wafaa Eyaid, Carmen M. Roig, et. al. Mutation Analysis of LMX 1B Gene in Nail-Patella Syndrome Patients. Am J Hum Genet 1998; 63: 1651-1658.

153.Eyaid WM, Clough MV, Root H, Scott KM, McCormick MK, Zhang X, et al. Physical mapping of the nail-patella syndrome interval at 9q34; ordering of STSs and ESTs. Hum Genet 1998; 103: 525-526.

154. Reza Yaghmai, Arash Kimyai-Asadi, karoline Rostamiani, Nina S Heiss, Annemarie Poiwtka, Wafaa Eyaid, et. al. A. Overlap of Dyskeratosis Congenital with the Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson Syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics 2000 March.

155.W. Eyaid, S. Sultan, M. Al Balwi, N. Al Atwi, K. Al Tawil, I.M. Amir, et. al. 47, XX, +B/47, XX, +13 karyotype in a newborn with multiple congenital anomalies. Am J Hum Genetics 2001 October; 69 (4) Suppl.

156. M.S AL-atawi; A. Al-Mutair; Al-Alwan; W. Eyaid. IMAGE syndrome; a fourth reported case with new associations. Hormone research 2002; 58 Suppl 2.

157. Simeon A. Boyadjiev*, Cristina M. Justice*, Wafaa Eyaid*, V. A. McKusick, R. Lachman (*Equally contributed to the work). A novel dysmorphic syndrome with open calvarial sutures and sutural cataract maps to chromosome 14q13-q21.Human Gene 2003 Apr; 113: 1-9

158. Mochida GH, Rajab A, Bond J, Flores-Sarnat L, Eyaid W, Al-Nouri D, et. al. Multiple genetic loci lead to distinctive autosomal recessive microcephaly syndromes [abstract]. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society. 2003

159.Eyaid W. The Hemi-3 syndrome, another case report. Am J Hum Genet 2003 November; 73 (4) Suppl. p: 261

160. F.S. Al-Harbi, E.A. Al-Awad, W.M Eyaid. Bartsocas-Papas syndrome further Mediterranean cases. Am J Hum Genet 2003 November; 73 (4) Suppl. p: 284.

161. Hamalainen RH, Avela K, Lambert JA, Kallijarvi J, Eyaid W, Gronau Jet. al. Novel mutations in the TRIM37 gene in Mulibrey Nanism. Hum Mutat 2004 May; 23(5) p: 522.

162. Mochida GH, Rajab A, Eyaid W, Lu A, Al-Nouri D, Kosaki K, Noruzinia M, et. al. Broader geographical spectrum of Cohen syndrome due to COH1 mutations. J Med Genet 2004 Jun; 41(6): e87.

163. Christian G. Frank, Claudia E. Grubenmann, Wafaa Eyaid, Eric G. Berger, Markus Aebi, and Thierry Hennet. Identification and Functional Analysis of a Defect in the Human ALG9 Gene: Definition of Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type IL. Am J Hum Genet 2004 Jul; 75(1): 146-50. Epub 2004 May 17.

164. Ferland RJ, Eyaid W, Collura RV, Tully LD, Hill RS, Al-Nouri D, et. al. Abnormal cerebellar development and axonal decussation due to mutations in AHI1 in Joubert syndrome. Nat Genet. 2004 Oct;36(10):1126.

165.Eyaid WM, Al-Nouri DM, Rashed MS, Al-Rifai MT, Al-Wakeel AS. An inborn error of metabolism presenting as hypoxic-ischemic insult. Pediatr Neurol. 2005 Feb;32(2):134-6.

166. Currier SC, Lee CK, Chang BS, Bodell AL, Pai GS, Eyaid WM, et. al. Mutations in POMT1 are found in a minority of patients with Walker-Warburg syndrome. : Am J Med Genet A. 2005 Feb 15;133(1):53-7.

167. Rashed MS, Saadallah AA, Rahbeeni Z, Eyaid W, Seidahmed MZ, Al-Shahwan S, et. Al. Determination of urinary S-sulphocysteine, xanthine and hypoxanthine by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr. 2004 Nov 23;

168.Al Tawil K, Shataiwi A, Mutair A, Eyaid W, Saif SA. Hypoparathyroidism-retardation-dysmorphism (HRD) syndrome in triplets.Am J Med Genet A. 2005 Jun 1;135(2):200-1.

169.Shen J, Eyaid W, Mochida GH, Al-Moayyad F, Bodell A, Woods CG, Walsh CA. ASPM mutations identified in patients with primary microcephaly and seizures.J Med Genet. 2005 Sep;42(9):725-9.

170. M Al Jumaha, R.Majmudar, S.AlRajih, Eyaid W, Fetani." Spinal muscular atrophy:population-based carrier screening by quantitive-PCR method “ J.of Neurology,Vol 252.Suppl.June 2005

171.Boyadjiev SA, Fromme JC, Ben J, Chong SS, Nauta C, Eyaid W, et. al. Cranio-lenticulo-sutural dysplasia is caused by a SEC23A mutation leading to abnormal endoplasmic-reticulum-to-Golgi trafficking.Nat Genet. 2006 Oct;38(10):1192-7. Epub 2006 Sep 17.

172.Al-Qattan MM, Eyaid W, Al-Balwi M. Congenital duplication of the palm syndrome. Ann Plast Surg. 2007 Sep;59(3):34

173. Al-Qattan MM, Al-Balwi M, Eyaid W, Al-Abdulkarim I, Al-Turki S.. Congenital duplication of the palm syndrome: gene analysis and the molecular basis of its clinical features. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2009 Mar.

174. Shen J, Gilmore EC, Marshall CA, Haddadin M, Reynolds JJ, Eyaid W, et. al. Epub Mutations in PNKP cause microcephaly, seizures and defects in DNA repair. 2010 Jan Nat Genet. 2010 Mar;42(3):245-9.

175. Li Y, Pawlik B, Elcioglu N, Aglan M, Kayserili H, Eyaid W, et. al. LRP4 mutations alter Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and cause limb and kidney malformations in Cenani-Lenz syndrome. Apr 8. Am J Hum Genet. 2010 May14;86(5):696-706. Epub 2010

176.Eyaid W, Al-Qattan MM, Al Abdulkareem I, Fetaini N, Al Balwi M. A novel homozygous missense mutation (c.610G>A, p.Gly204Ser) in the WNT7A gene causes tetra-amelia in two Saudi families. Am J Med Genet A. 2011 Feb 22. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.33717.

177.Eyaid W, Al-Tassan RS, Al-Nouri DM. Intracranial calcifications, microcephaly, and seizure. If not congenital infection, what could it be? Neurosciences (Riyadh). 2012 Jul;17(3):248-2

178. Manzini MC, Tambunan DE, Hill RS, Yu TW, Maynard TM, Eyaid WM, et. al. Exome sequencing and functional validation in zebrafish identify GTDC2 mutations as a cause of Walker-Warburg syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Sep 7;91(3):541-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.07.009

179. Shaheen R, Ansari S, Alshammari MJ, Alkhalidi H, Alrukban H, Eyaid W, Alkuraya FS. A novel syndrome of hypohidrosis and intellectual disability is linked to COG6 deficiency. Clinical, biochemical, cellular and molecular characterization of mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome due to novel mutations in the MPV17 gene. J Med Genet. 2013 Jul;50(7):431-6. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2013-101527. Epub 2013 Apr 20

180. Bonnen PE, Yarham JW, Besse A, Wu P, Faqeih EA, Al-Asmari AM, Eyaid W, et al. 773 Mutations in FBXL4 cause mitochondrial encephalopathy and a disorder of mitochondrial DNA maintenance. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2013.07.017. Epub 2013 Aug 29. Erratum in: Am J Hum Genet. 2013 Oct 3;93(4)

181. Shaheen R, Al-Owain M, Khan AO, Zaki MS, Hossni HA, Eyaid W, et. al. Identification of three novel ECEL1 mutations in three families with distal arthrogryposis type 5D. Clin Genet. 2014 Jun;85(6):568-72. doi: 10.1111/cge.12226. Epub 2013 Jul 28.

182. Sheereen A, Alaamery M, Bawazeer S, Al Yafee Y, Massadeh S, Eyaid W. A missense mutation in the CRBN gene that segregates with intellectual disability and self-mutilating behavior in a consanquineous Saudi family. J Med Genet. 2017 Apr;54(4):236-240. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2016-104117. Epub 2017 Jan 31.

183. Shamseldin HE, Kurdi W, Almusafri F, Alnemer M, Alkaff A, Eyaid W et. al. Molecular autopsy in maternal-fetal medicine.

184. Malik A, Amer AB, Salama M, Haddad B, Alrifai MT, Balwi MA, Davies W, Eyaid W. X-linked ichthyosis associated with psychosis and behavioral abnormalities: a case report.J Med Case Rep. 2017 Sep 22;11(1):267. doi: 10.1186/s13256-017-1420-2.

185. Almannai M, Alsamri A, Alqasmi A, Faqeih E, AlMutairi F, Eyaid W, et al. Expanding the phenotype of SLC25A42-associated mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. Clin Genet. 2018 Jan 12. doi: 10.1111/cge.13210.

186. Musa S, Eyaid W, Kamer K, Ali R, Al-Mureikhi M, Shahbeck N, et. al. A Middle Eastern Founder Mutation Expands the Genotypic and Phenotypic Spectrum of Mitochondrial MICU1 Deficiency: A Report of 13 Patients. JIMD Rep. 2018 May 3. doi: 10.1007/8904_2018_107. [Epub ahead of print]

187. Al Juraibah F, Alothaim A, Al Eyaid W, AlMutair AN. Cord blood versus heel-stick sampling for measuring thyroid stimulating hormone for newborn screening of congenital hypothyroidism.. Ann Saudi Med. 2019 Sep-Oct.

188. Alkuraya H, Patel N, Ibrahim N, Al Ghamdi B, Alsulaiman SM, Eyaid W, et. Al. Phenotypic delineation of the retinal arterial macroaneurysms with supravalvular pulmonic stenosis syndrome.. Clin Genet. 2020

189. Khan A, Alaamery M, Massadeh S, Obaid A, Kashgari AA, Walsh CA, Eyaid W. PDCD6IP, encoding a regulator of the ESCRT complex, is mutated in microcephaly. Clin Genet. 2020.

190.Castro CN, Rosenzwajg M, Carapito R, Shahrooei M, Konantz M, Eyaid W. et. A NCKAP1L defects lead to a novel syndrome combining immunodeficiency, lymphoproliferation, and hyperinflammation. l. J Exp Med. 2020

191. Chunmei Li, Eliane Beauregard-Lacroix, Christine Kondratev, Justine Rousseau, Ah Jung Heo, Fuad Al Mutairi, et. Al. UBR7 functions with UBR5 in the Notch signaling pathway and is involved in a neurodevelopmental syndrome with epilepsy, ptosis, and hypothyroidism. Article in The American Journal of Human Genetics · December 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2020.11.018.

192.Fuad Almutairi. Hyperhomocysteinemia: Clinical Insights. Journal of Central Nervous System Disease. Volume 12: 1–8. DOI: 10.1177/1179573520962230.

193. Schottlaender LV, Abeti R, Jaunmuktane Z, Al Mutairi, F, Aurrand-Lions M, Houlden H. Bi-allelic JAM2 Variants Lead to Early-Onset Recessive Primary Familial Brain Calcification. Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Mar 5;106(3):412-421.

194. Wagner, M., Skorobogatko, Y., Pode-Shakked, B., Powell, C. M., Alhaddad, B., Al Mutairi, F, Distelmaier, F. (2020). Bi-allelic Variants in RALGAPA1 Cause Profound Neurodevelopmental Disability, Muscular Hypotonia, Infantile Spasms, and Feeding Abnormalities. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 106(2), 246–255

195. Monies D, Abouelhoda M, Assoum M, Moghrabi N, Rafiullah R, Al Mutairi, F, et. al. (2019). Lessons Learned from Large-Scale, First-Tier Clinical Exome Sequencing in a Highly Consanguineous Population. The American Journal of Human Genetics 105(4):879

196.Salpietro V, Dixon CL, Al Mutairi, F.Houlden H (2019) AMPA receptor GluA2 subunit defects are a cause of neurodevelopmental disorders. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 12;10(1):3094. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10910-w

197. Alaqeel, B., Babakir, A., Al Mutairi, F., & Dubayee, M. (2019). Coexistence of genetic conditions: Exploring a possible relationship. Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics, 60–66.

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