Official Saudi Government website URL ends with

Website belongs to an official government organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always ends with

Official Secure websites use HTTPS

Secured governments websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia use Https encryption.

Registered on Digital Government Authority: 20221231224

National Single Sign-on Initiative

The National Single Sign-on Initiative is a national initiative put forth by the Saudi Ministry of Interior (MOI) to manage and issue digital identity cards for citizens and residents. Many public and private agencies have started to keep pace with the e-services development, and provide their services via e-portals using e-identifiers (each made up of a username and a password) as a tool of verification that allows access to the e-services. This tool is considered as a digital identity that represent the user identity while using or making e-transactions.

The National Single Sign-on Initiative aims to find a comprehensive solution for the management and governance of digital identity in order to provide a unified access on a national level. It also aims to provide the mechanism and necessary tools for solving the problem that many public and private agencies encountered when providing many significant services for citizens and residents due to the low credibility of digital, and its vulnerability to hacking.

National Single Sign-on provides the following services:

  • User self-registration
  • User verification
  • Registration and automatic connection with the service providers
  • Updating National ID online
  • Unified access, taking into account the level of verification
  • Certification of e-transactions and e-signatures
  • Self-service to manage the verification standards