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King Abdullah's International Medical Research Center aims to provide a specialized scientific environment that supports clinical research. The advancement of Medicine relies on the advancement of research as it plays a major role in promoting exceptional healthcare and continuous development of diagnostic approaches, curative methods and prevention of diseases. The National Antivenom and Vaccine Production Center is a result of such research that lead to produce antivenoms and vaccines for snake bites and scorpion stings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Region.
For more information
Transforming lab results into products that improve the quality of life, while training skillful researchers within the healthcare community.
Pursue translational research to facilitate the advancement of biomedical and clinical research and knowledge into practical solutions.
Continue to strive for excellence and higher standards through international collaborations and partnerships and quality project expansions.
Renowned for its notable core research projects such as the Saudi Biobank, the Cord Blood Bank, and the Research Trauma Project, in brief. These projects are leading to incredible advances in Saudi Arabia’s most common diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, trauma, obesity, and hypertension.
Animal Laboratories and Testing Rooms.
DNA and Stem Cell Cord Banks.
Radiology rooms.
Operating room.
Database and the administrative offices and support services
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