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Respiratory Intensive Care Unit

Respiratory Intensive Care Unit​ 

RICU is a newly commissioned 15-bedded intensive care unit, which has been built to safely care for patients with infectious diseases. The staff are highly skilled to manage all levels of infection and the unit is specifically designed as the admission unit in the event an outbreak of airborne transmitted illness. 

All rooms are negative pressure with the latest technology to monitor the patient outside of the room to decrease exposure to health workers without compromising care to the patient. 

RICU is also the primary unit for the Nurse led VV ECMO program that was set up to manage severely compromised patients with respiratory failure who were unable to be managed by conventional ventilatory support.

Patient Population: Adults above 14 years of age

Mixed Gender

Hours of Operation: 24 hours / 7 days a week

No of Beds: 15 Beds

Occupancy Rate: 100%

Staff Categories:

  • Registered Nurse

  • Patient Care Technician

Primary Diagnosis

  • Respiratory Failure

  • Acute Renal Failure (HD/PD)

  • Metabolic Disorders

  • Sepsis

  • +MERS Airborne Isolation Patients

  • +Covid Airborne Isolation Patient

Multi Organ failure

Primary Procedures

  • Airway management including ventilation.

  • Invasive Monitoring.

  • Vasopressors and Inotropic administration.

  • Percutaneous Tracheostomy.

  • CRRT.

  • ICP/EVD.

  • V-V ECMO.

Model of Nursing Care

Total Patient Care Utilizing a Partnership Model.

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Last Modified

9/5/2022 1:56 PM

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