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Department of Medicine - Jeddah

Department of Medicine

The Department of Medicine (DOM) at the King Khalid National Guard Hospital, King Abdulaziz Medical City-the MNGHA, Jeddah (Western Region), benchmarks with the organizational vision and mission statements encompassing quality, education, research, and leadership. DOM provides outpatient, inpatient, consultation services, and additional supporting services, including day case diagnostic and interventional procedures, training and education of medical students, interns, residents, and fellows from various specialties, and research and public awareness.


The Department of Medicine is committed to setting the highest standards for patient care, professional education, teaching, and training. We are aiming to provide compassionate and pioneering health care to all of our patients.


The vision of the Department of Medicine is to provide:

  • High-quality patient-centered care
  • Transformational research
  • Innovative education programs

Core Values:

We are committed to reflecting and celebrating Professionalism, patient-centeredness, compassion, respect, educating ourselves, ensuring a sense of belonging, diversity, teamwork, scholarship, and stewardship.

Chairman Message

Assalamu Alikum!

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Medicine in King Abdulaziz Medical City-Jeddah.

We are made up of 12 divisions, and are committed to compassionate clinical care, educational excellence, and good clinical research. At the Department of Medicine our core mission is to undertake high-quality clinical care, outstanding education and research to provide the best possible health outcomes for our patients. We have 12 divisions that work collaboratively. We believe in fostering a culture of integration among all of our Consultant Physicians and staff, students and trainees, as well as our patients and their families.

Many of our department members are visionary leaders at institutional and national levels including the University and Saudi Commission for Health Specialty.

During the past challenging times through the global pandemic, Our Physician have seized the opportunity to contribute in the fight against COVID-19 with tireless effort to provide excellent patient care, adopted novel teaching approaches to educate our Students and Junior Physicians, to continue our academic mission.


General Internal Medicine Section

  • Head: Dr. Emad AlWafi

Gastroenterology Section

  • Head: Dr. Faisal Batwa

Respirology Section

  • Head: Dr. Bader AlGhamdi

Neurology Section

  • Head: Dr. Saeed AlGhamdi

Nephrology Section

  • Head: Dr. Abdullah AlMalki

Infectious Diseases Section

  • Head: Dr. Mohammed AlZahrani

Rheumatology Section

  • Head: Dr. Fayez AlHarithy

Dermatology Section

  • Head: Dr. Ali AlRaddadi

Psychiatry Section

  • Head: Dr. Ahmad AlSaleh

Endocrinology Section

  • Head: Dr. Hawazen Zarif

Department Capacity:

Department of Internal Medicine has more than 264 employees under its administration, including 63 Consultants. Scholarship positions in different Internal Medicine subspecialties have been cleverly planned and approved to strengthen expected expanding services in the future.

In 2020, the total patient admissions for all subspecialties in the Department of Internal Medicine had reached 4,130. The total of outpatient visits to all subspecialties reached 61,805. The medical subspecialties have received a total of 5,250 referrals and 4,125 consultations.

The Department of Internal Medicine mainly provides services both Outpatient and Inpatient Services with Clinical Programs been established per subspecialty as follows:

Respirology Section:

  • Sleep Medicine Disorder Services
  • Bronchoscopy with Interventional Pulmonary Service
  • Pulmonary Function Lab Test Services
  • Rapid access to primary healthcare (PHC) to refer patients timely to services like COPD, severe asthma, interstitial lung disease, and pulmonary hypertension
  • Pulmonary rehab services are to be launched soon.
  • Day Case services for biological therapy for severe asthma.

General Internal Medicine Section:

  • Acute Medicine Unit Service
  • Chronic Care Service
  • Perioperative Outpatient Clinic Service
  • GIM Rapid Access clinic services
  • Heart failure / respiratory inpatient unit service
  • Geriatric service
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation service
  • Allergy and Immunology service

Endocrinology Section:

  • Insulin Pump Program
  • Neuroendocrine Clinic
  • Thyroid Cancer Program
  • Radioactive Iodine Therapy
  • Neuroendocrine clinic
  • Osteoporosis Clinic

Dermatology Section:

  • Microscopy Examination service
  • Potassium Hydroxide –KOH Preparation service
  • Cryotherapy service
  • Electrosurgery service
  • Wood's Light examination service
  • Skin Biopsy service
  • Chemical cautery service
  • Intralesional injection service
  • Lasers / All types of service
  • Excision of curettage service
  • Intralesional injection service
  • Chemical Peeling service
  • Phototherapy service
  • Chemical cautery service
  • Tzanck Smear service

Neurology Section:

  • EEG, NCS & EMG Service
  • Autonomic Lab (the only lab in the middle east for Acute Stroke Service)
  • Epilepsy Service
  • Acute Stroke Service 24/7 with thrombolysis, mechanical thrombectomy, and automated perfusion imaging
  • Multiple Sclerosis Clinic
  • Movement Disorder Clinic
  • Stroke Clinic

Gastroenterology Section:

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic luminal GI endoscopy
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic pancreaticobiliary endoscopy
  • Endoscopic ultrasound
  • Endoscopic therapy of complications of Bariatrics surgery
  • Liver transplant care
  • Liver cancer care
  • Fibroscan

Nephrology Section:

  • Hemodialysis service
  • Peritoneal dialysis service
  • Kidney transplant service

Infectious Diseases Section:

  • HIV Clinic service (inpatient and outpatient)
  • HIV Oncology consultation service (inpatient and outpatient)
  • HIV General Surgery consultation service (inpatient and outpatient)
  • HIV Cardiac Center consultation service (inpatient and outpatient)
  • Outpatient intravenous antibiotic therapy service
  • Daily Hospital stewardship program service

Psychiatry Section:

  • Psycho pharmacology service
  • Psychotherapy service
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) service
  • Family therapy service
  • Psychometric test service
  • Child and Adolescent psychiatry service
  • Perinatal woman health


Dr. Tariq Nasser

Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine

Dr. Emad Alwafi

Section Head of General Internal Medicine

Dr. Faisal Batwa

Section Head of Gastroenterology

Dr. Bader Alghamdi

Section Head of Respirology

Dr. Saeed Alghamdi

Section Head of Neurology

Dr. Abdullah Almalki

Section Head of Nephrology

Dr. Mohammed Alzahrani

Section Head of Infectious Diseases

Dr. Fayez Alharithy

Section Head of Rheumatology

Dr. Ali Alraddadi

Section Head of Dermatology

Dr. Ahmad Alsaleh

Section Head of Psychiatry

Dr. Hawazen Zarif

Section Head Of Endocrinology

Dr. Hadeel Altayib

Director, Residency Training Program Of Internal Medicine

Dr. Raad Alwithenani

Deputy Director, Residency Training Program Of Internal Medicine

Contact Us


Phone: +966-12-2266666 Ext.: 22070 , 21298 , 22170

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Last Modified

3/6/2023 2:51 PM

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