Medicine Residency Training Program, Department of Medicine at King Abdulaziz Medical City-Riyadh, Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs is considered one of the most excellent and effective programs in the Region. The Training Program was implemented in 1986 and is being conducted in the Department of Medicine, where residents can learn and work in a tertiary care center for four years. The training is a multi-disciplinary approach that follows evidence-based medicine principles and CanMEDS (Canadian Medical Education for Directors and Specialists) Competencies standard criteria (e.g., medical expert, professional, scholar, manager, communicator, collaborator, health advocate).
The Residents progress from a Junior level in the first year to a Senior level in the final two years, where he/she acquires more knowledge, leadership, and supervisory skills. The final year allows the Residents more autonomy and freedom in assembly leadership roles. Well qualified consultants supervise the training with North American and European degrees, and most of the faculties have international and local academic experience. The Resident will have the opportunity to spend approximately 18 months in the Clinical Teaching Units/general medicine and the rest in all medical specialties and critical areas.
As a result of this comprehensive training environment, Residents from King Abdulaziz Medical City have always obtained some of the best pass marks and high scores in their examinations. Almost all the residents enrolled in the program became certified in Internal Medicine by at least one Medical Board.
The number of trainees is increasing over the years, adding 20 new R1 residents every academic year, and currently, we have no less than 90 medical residents, including board-eligible residents.
The Residency Training process is directed/governed by the Medicine Residency Training Program Committee.
The program's primary mission is to graduate physicians that can provide comprehensive medical care at a consultant level with a good understanding of related cultural, socio-economic, ethical, occupational, environmental, and behavioral issues and respecting Islamic religion.
- To produce a safe and competent doctor with broad knowledge in the different fields of internal medicine.
- To provide the Resident enough training so that he/she acquires knowledge, leadership, supervisory skills, and more autonomy and freedom in an assembly leadership role.
- To provide an educational environment that promotes the standard of health care delivery by appreciating the logical use of guidelines, text, literature, latest information technology, and others.
- To train Residents in learning scholarly character and attitude by giving them assignments to research and present meaningful and relevant medical issues topics.
- To prepare residents for future sub-specialty training.
- To train residents to be collaborators, health advocates, and medical professionals in all aspects of residency training over the four years of training.
Internal Medicine Program at King Abdulaziz Medical City is accredited as a Residency Training Program by:
- Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
- Arab Board of Medical Specialties
The training program at King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC) involves four (4) years of a full-time supervised Residency Training Program in Internal Medicine. Upon completing the program and passing the examinations, the Resident will be awarded a Saudi Certificate of Internal Medicine and/or Arab Board in Internal Medicine.
The MRTP is working for the accreditation of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada under the Canadian Medical Education for Specialists (CanMEDS) curriculum.
Academic activities
Morning Report 08:00 – 09:00 am Sunday-Thursday/DOM Lecture room
Academic Half day 01:00 – 04-:00 pm Tuesday/DOM Lecture room
Grand rounds 01:00 - 02:00 pm Thursday/Large auditorium
Journal Club 12:00 - 1:00 pm Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month/DOM Lecture room
Bedside Teaching 02:00 – 04:00 pm Once a week
Research 02:00 – 05:00 pm Every 2nd Sunday of each month/DOM Lecture room
Attended by residents during their subspecialty rotations
Contact Us
Medicine Residency Training Program
Department of Medicine
King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh
Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- P.O. Box 22490, Riyadh 11426
- Saudi Arabia
- Tel. No. 966-1-252-0088, ext. 14196
- Fax: 966-1-2520088, Ext. 14229
- E-mail: