The Department of Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) in PMBAH-Madinah oversees the infection control practices and policies in collaboration with the IP&C departments of the Western and Eastern Regions. IP&C Department is comprised of three main sections. Each section has its own activities and provides specific services to the hospital, affiliated clinics and/or communities in the central region, eastern and western Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG) regions. The main three sections of IP&C Departments are:

  • Hospital Infection Control Section

  • Public Health Section

  • Environmental Health and Occupational Health and Safety Section

The IP&C Department functions within the scope of mission and commitment to the values and standards of the SANG. Our mission is to provide safe and healthy environment for patients, staff, visitors, and residents of SANG.


To provide a healthy, safe, supportive, and effective environment of care for patients, workers, visitors, and other individuals of the National Guard Health Affairs in the Western Madinah Region. Also to assist and provide a comprehensive, dynamic program that supports the National Guard Health Affairs mission and services as well as keeping with the accrediting bodies requirements, and to promote Infection Prevention and Control Program utilizing operational experiences, management and leadership capabilities.

Clinical Services provided

  • Surveillance Clinic.

  • Public Health Clinic.

  • Immunization Program.

Education and Training

  • Right Care Right Now

  • General Nursing Orientation


  • Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Rate per 1,000 central line-days

  • Central Line Bundle Compliance Rate

  • Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Rate per 1,000 ventilator days

  • Ventilator Bundle Compliance Rate

  • Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Rate per 1,000 urinary catheter days

  • Urinary Catheter Bundle Compliance Rate

  • Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Rate per 100 operative procedures

  • Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Bundle Compliance Rate

  • Dialysis Events (DE) Rate per 100 patient-months

  • Antimicrobial Use and Resistance (AUR) Prevalence Rate per 100 isolates tested - Pharmacy Data

  • Multi Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO) Infection Prevalence Rate per 100 (HAIs)

  • Hand Hygiene (HH) Prevalence Rate per 100 examined

  • Percentage of vaccine coverage

  • Frequency of needle insertion injuries.

Research and Publications:

  • Burden of healthcare-associated infections at six tertiary care hospitals in Saudi Arabia – A point prevalence survey (European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) April 2018.


Dr. Syed Nazeer


Contact us

Phone number: +966-14-8669999 ext: 68051