Resuscitation Unit (RU)

The Resuscitation Unit is a 15 bedded critical care unit managing all critical care patients. RU Nurses are ATLS / ATCN and ACLS certified. As a level-1 Trauma Center, RU nurses respond to crises capably and confidently in critical care dynamic, high-stakes, and high-stressful environments whereby movement decompression is a skill. 

RU accepts and manages all CTAS level 1 & 2 patients, plus responds to any code blue within the ECC and surrounds. RU nurses respond to any deteriorating patients within ECC that would require advanced airway management and ICU acute management before transferring to RU or ICU. RU nurses respond to HAZMAT Decontamination and manage the process. RU accepts and manages Southern Border patients before moving to any clinical areas.

An ambulance receiving station is located within the RU. This ambulance receiving station triages all EMS patients and processes all direct admissions and medivacs to the hospital and screening for ARI.
RU also manages any pediatric CTAS level 1 patient who presents before transfer to the specialized pediatric hospital campus (KASCH). RU nurses are Port-A-Cath responders to the clinical wards where needed.

Five (5) RU beds are negative pressure and separately contained with the RU complex.
RU staffing is composed of Nurse Supervisor, Asst. Nurse Manager, Clinical Resource Nurses, Nurse Coordinators, Staff Nurses, Patient Care Technicians. Nurse to patient ratio is maintained at 1:1 to 1:2 with the ability to provide 3 Nursing Teams ( pre-assigned every shift by Charge Nurses on duty) to respond to multiple trauma or codes.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are Total patient seen, Length of Stay 4 hours for EP and 6 hours for IP, Code Blue, Trauma Activation, Stroke Activation, Sepsis Door to Antibiotics, Door to Balloon (CathLab), and Door to Needle (Stroke) and Neutropenia Door to Antibiotics.

RU patient-focused initiatives are external code blue responders, port-a-cath responders, Independent Double Check (IDC) Audit, Central Line Audit, HAPI, Falls, Pain Management, Infection Prevention and Control Practices, and Hand Hygiene compliance.