Nursing Education

The Center of Nursing Education (CNE) is committed to nurses’ education and professional development. To provide clinical and professional growth and development opportunities for the nurse professionals within MNGHA-Riyadh. The CNE offers clinical education and nursing professional development programs in an environment that is respectful of others, adaptive to change, and accountable for outcomes.


The Center of Nursing Education to lead innovative education that supports excellent patient care and to become a national /regional leader in the design and delivery of continuing education, professional development, and clinical practice programs to nurses at MNGHA in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


  • To provide excellence in continuing professional education, clinical nursing practice and community education.
  • To provide opportunities for staff to acquire further clinical knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary to perform their assigned functions safely and effectively in the provision and support of patient care, research and education.
  • To provide for clinical experiences for nurses and student learners.
  • To provide current and innovative information that will enhance critical thinking and provide evidence for best practices.

Goals of Department

The overall goal of the Center of Nursing Education is focused on improving the quality of nursing practice and to provide safer patient care by means of providing evidence based education and sustained nursing education programs.

To be achieved by:

  • Collaboration with subject matters experts and Clinical Resources Nurses.
  • Concurrent clinical nursing knowledge enhancement that is evidence-based.
  • Centralized and standardized clinical competencies for all nursing staff at MNGHA.
  • Improving care delivery at the frontline to improve patient experience.
  • Efficient use of the simulation based education to enhance clinical nursing practice.

Hours of Operation

The Center of Nursing Education provides services from 07:00 – 16:00 from Sundays to Thursdays.

Scope of Service

The Scope of Service at the Center of Nursing Education (CNE) has a several functions in response to the clinical education needs of Nursing Services. These are:

  1. Staff Induction that includes a competency-based orientation program.
  2. Clinical Education Program that includes continuing education for nurses.
  3. Annual certification (BLS, N95) in Nursing Services.
  4. College of Nursing collaboration and student placement.
  5. New graduate nurse programs for Saudi nurses.
  6. SCFHS programs for Saudi Nurses and allied health care.
  7. Nursing informatics.
  8. Innovation, research and publication.

The Center of Nursing Education team works collaboratively with Clinical Resource Nurses (CRN) on the units in Nursing Services and other subject matter experts from multidisciplinary teams in conducting particular programs to meet the required clinical education program need at CNE.

1. Staff Induction Program

The staff induction program includes a general nursing orientation and a basic generic competency that prepares staff to practice safely in the hospitals and in Nursing Services, and to adjust to living and working in Saudi Arabia, such as:

  • Caring of Muslim patients.
  • Adjustment and culture adaptation.
  • Infection Control Nursing PPEs and hand hygiene.
  • N95 Respirator fit testing program.

2. BLS program:

The CNE has been accredited by the American Heart Association (AHA) as a training site and conducts the BLS Program under the auspices of the Postgraduate Training Center, an approved training center for AHA Life Support programs. Basic life certification is a mandatory certification for all Nursing Services staff.

3. Clinical Nursing Education Programs

The programs developed and delivered at the CNE are develop and taught in collaborative with subject matter experts for Nursing and non-nursing clinical staff.

The CNE utilizing the clinical simulation labs to enhance both knowledge and clinical practice of nursing staff by integrating new knowledge using latest evidence based theory and clinical practice procedures. The nursing education program educational calendar includes:

  • Physical assessment - Adult and Pediatric.
  • Peripheral Vascular Cannulation (PVC).
  • Central Vascular Access Devices (CVAD).
  • Safe blood administration.
  • End of life care.
  • Tracheostomy care workshop.
  • Pressure ulcer and wound management workshop.
  • Epidural Analgesia Intrathecal Morphine.
  • ECG - Adult and Pediatrics.
  • Diabetes - Adult.
  • Diabetes - Pediatric.
  • Diabetes - Obstetric.
  • Moderate Sedation – Adult and Pediatric.
  • Pain management workshop.
  • Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) – Adult and Pediatric.
  • Peripheral Nerve Blocks.
  • Chemotherapy Management.
  • Chemotherapy Provider.
  • Oncology emergencies.
  • Specialized Stroke Nursing.
  • Specialized neuroscience program.
  • Nasopharyngeal swabbing competency workshops.

4. College of Nursing collaboration and student placement

The role of CNE related to the 5-year King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS), College of Nursing (CON) Bachelor of Science in Nursing commences with the undergraduate programs that involve coordination of student clinical placements, organization and conduct of pre-placement team meetings, liaison between CON and Nursing Services regarding clinical placement issues.
Nurse Internship Program by the KSAU-HS CON is a 48-week program, divided into phase 1 and phase 2, focusing on providing final year undergraduate BSN students with structured clinical nursing experiences in the following clinical areas:

  • General Medical / Surgical (24 weeks).
  • General Pediatrics (4 weeks).
  • Maternity (4 weeks).
  • Area selected for new graduate practice (16 weeks : Phase 2).

CNE is responsible for coordination of clinical placements, conducting of the pre-placement educational sessions, organization interns career counseling, liaison with KSAU-HS CON intern coordinator regarding nurse intern-related placement issues and administrative tasks relating to program completion for nursing licensure.

5. Nursing Saudi Career Development Programs

Nursing Saudi Career Development Programs (NSCDP) is a one-year program designed for newly employed nurses at MNGHA to successfully and effectively transition to the registered nurse role at MNGHA.

The NSCDP combines classroom and clinical experiences designed specifically for the role's needs in the clinical area. The clinical NSCDP program provides a comprehensive structure, both educational and clinical, to support both new graduate nurses (Residency Program) and experienced Saudi nurses (Fellowship Program) in the development of the clinical competencies required for them to function as a member of the health care team in a range of specialist clinical settings. CNE is responsible for the clinical curriculum development of the NSCDP program in collaboration with the clinical area.

6. Saudi Commission for Health Specialist Specialty Programs

Advanced Nursing Diploma programs: The MNGHA works collaboratively with the SCFHS to support the Kingdom's healthcare needs and develop the national population to meet the demands. The CNE is currently facilitating Advance Nursing Diploma programs owned by the SCFHS:

  • Emergency Care Nursing Diploma.
  • Oncology Nursing Diploma.
  • Critical Care Nursing Diploma.
  • Cardiac Critical Care Nursing Diploma.
  • Neonatal Critical Care Diploma.

These programs are intended for Saudi nurses to gain specialized expertise in nursing. The program is a two years program and is a combination of classroom and clinical experiences.

Health Academy Programs: The CNE facilitates the Health Academy programs under the SCFHS, such as Central Sterilization Specialist Program and Nursing Care Assistant Program. These programs are a national initiative to qualify College of Since graduates to meet the needs of the healthcare workforce. The program is a combination of classroom teaching and an on the Job training.

7. LEAD in Nursing

In alliance with the Saudi 2030 vision, the Ministry of National Guard Health affair (MNGHA) ambition to empower nursing and enhance nursing practice through advancing their knowledge and skills in a variety of specialties and the belief that continuous professional development for nurses should be provided in an environment that is conducive to LEAD: Learn knowledge to Enhance practice and Develop professionals to leaders in Nursing. We introduce LEAD in Nursing, a continuous nursing education initiative.
LEAD in Nursing initiative includes a series of workshops, conferences, and certificate programs and are conducted by national and international nursing experts​, e.g.:

  • Fundamental Concept: The Art of Nursing Care.
  • Recognizing and Responding to clinical deterioration.
  • Enhance communication.
  • Specialized Stroke Nursing Program.
  • ECMO Workshop.
  • Basic Neuroscience Workshop.
  • Advance Neuroscience Workshop.
  • Sepsis Workshop.
  • Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) Program.
  • Essential Principles of Pain Management Course.
  • Wound Care and Ostomy Program.
  • Advance Neonatal Review Course.

8. Nursing Informatics

BestCare training is facilitated by the Nursing Informatics team at the CNE in the computer lab with 33 terminals.

E-learning Modules (ELM) were launched in Jan 2016 aimed at reaching more staff concurrent to the expansion of the hospital facilities. E-learning is increasingly used in nurse education and practice development. The technology used in this learning method enhances opportunities for nurse interns, nurse residents and qualified nurses and enabling staff to access development modules independent of shift patterns.

Research, Conferences and Publications

  • Abu-Ghori Ibrahim K., Bodrick Mustafa M.E., Hussain Rafat, Rassool G. Hussein. (2015) Nurses’ involvement in end-of-life care of patients after a do-not resuscitate decision on general medical units in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
  • Ala’a Z. Mohammad, Dr. Ibrahim Aljasser, and Dr. Bokkasam Sasidhar (2016) Barriers to Reporting Medication Administration Errors among Nurses in an Accredited Hospital in Saudi Arabia, British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade (BJEMT) 11(4): 1-13
  • Alenezi Amirah , Nada M AlBwardi, Anna Ali , Mowafa Househ, Ashraf A. El-Metwally (2015) The Epidemiology of Congenital Heart Disease in Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Review 2015, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
  • Alsumaily Abdullah and Almutairi Adel (2015) A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of Nurse-Led Educational Interventions for Adults with Asthma, Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
  • Amirah Alanazi, Anwar Ahmed, Ali Alghamdi. (2014) Door-to-Balloon Time and Survival among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction following Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention at King Abdulaziz Cardiac Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Awaiting journal acceptance
  • Catangui Elmer (2015) Thrombolysis for patients with acute ischaemic stroke, Nursing Standards
  • Catangui Elmer (2015) Specialized stroke nursing program using an inter-professional approach: A nurse-driven education initiative of one stroke hospital in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice: Canada
  • Catangui Elmer (2015) Specialized Stroke Nursing Program using inter-professional learning approach: one step toward patient safety, Quality Patient Safety Newsletter
  • Catangui Elmer (2016) What acute care nurses should know about stroke medication. Nurse Prescribing Journal UK
  • Catangui Elmer, Malan Jeanette, Morrow Anne (2015) Provision of safe and specialized stroke care using an inter-professional learning approach: A novel stroke service improvement, Journal of Infection Public Health
  • Kavanagh V. and Caswell A. (2015) Reflections on impact and changes to Nursing Services from the MERS-CoV Outbreak at MNG-HA, Quality and Patient safety newsletter Volume 7/ MERS CoV Special Issue
  • Tashkandi N, Aljuaid M, McKerry T, Alchin J, Taylor L, Catangui EJ, Mulla R, Sinnappan S, Nammour G, El-Saed A, Alshamrani MM. Nursing strategic pillars to enhance nursing preparedness and response to COVID-19 pandemic at a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Infect Public Health. 2021 Sep;14(9):1155-1160. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2021.06.016. Epub 2021 Jul 2. PMID: 34371365; PMCID: PMC8252703.
  • Tassi Ahmad (2014) Integrating High Fidelity Human Patient Simulation in Oncology Emergency Management Training for Stem Cell Transplantation Patients Oral presentation at Saudi Scientific Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (SS-BMT) - 4th Annual Meeting of SSBMT / EBMT Highlights and the 2nd Annual Saudi Hematology/Oncology Nurses Meeting, 16 May 2014
  • Tassi Ahmad, Saeid Hala (2016) The Impact of Integrating Electronic Learning Management System on Learners’ Educational Performance in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Accepted for oral presentation at The Second International Conference in Nursing and Health Science: "A Bridge to Build a Sustainable Health Care Future" Mon to Wed, 28 - 30 March 2016
  • White David, Schwarzboeck Angela and Pasiya Joy (2015) Improving resuscitation care at the bed side by the introduction of standardized Code Blue team response for coding patients in a tertiary level hospital using failure rescue methodology, Journal of Infection and Public Health (Volume 8 Issue No. 4, Jul - Aug)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Throughout the nursing education strategy key performance indicators (KPIs) will be identified for using quality science processes to measure the effectiveness of programs on the nursing units that will also include direct feedback from staff who have undertaken the programs

  • Annual Education Report Card.
  • Number of NED programs.
  • Number of staff attendance.
  • Participants satisfaction: Course evaluation summary.
  • Course compliance rate: no-show.
  • Educator productivity.

Nursing Education

Nursing Services educational activities are accredited by the California Board of Nursing for Continuing Education. Specialized and sub-specialized professional nursing programs and skill enhancement courses are provided, in addition to training programs for para-nursing and support staff. Nursing Clinical Teaching Units and cross-appointments have been established to support the clinical placement requirements of the King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University, College of Nursing BSN curriculums.
Professional development, skill enhancements, training, and life support programs aligned with unit-specific specialization requirements are offered free of charge to NGHA national and expatriate staff.