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Body Imaging Fellowship Training Program

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​Body imaging Fellowship is a two-year appointment in a joint fellowship program at the centers accredited by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

Body imaging is one of the broadest areas in the radiological sciences, and the diversity of clinical disciplines served by this subspecialty area is a testament to this fact. Disciplines such as gastroenterology, general surgery, urology, gynecology, oncology, nephrology, endocrinology, transplant surgery, and vascular surgery interact extensively with radiologists who perform imaging examinations in this area.

This diversity underscores the need for highly trained body imaging specialists capable of answering the often complex clinical questions posed during managing patients being treated within these clinical disciplines. This program aims at taking a significant step toward fulfilling this goal.

General Objectives

To afford high-level training and ensure subspecialty competency in all aspects of adult body imaging, thereby enabling the graduates to function as local and national references in the diagnosis and radiological evaluation of pathological processes of the adult abdomen and pelvis. The graduates should become resources for advanced subspecialty multidisciplinary medical care and education in this field.

Specific objectives

  • Acquire knowledge of relevant embryological, anatomical, pathophysiological, biochemical, and clinical aspects of gastrointestinal and genitourinary (GI/GU) diseases.
  • Obtain an in-depth understanding of the major imaging techniques relevant to GI/GU diseases.
  • Grasp in-depth knowledge of the indications, contraindications, complications, and limitations of the GI/GU systems of surgical, medical, and radiological interventions and procedures about the GI/GU systems.
  • Master clinical knowledge relevant to medical and surgical GI/GU disease so that the fellow may confidently discuss the appropriate imaging strategy for the clinical problem with the referring clinician.
  • Obtain a detailed knowledge of current developments in the specialty.
  • Acquire direct practical exposure with appropriate graded supervision in all forms of current GI/GU imaging procedures.
  • Acquire appropriate competency and accuracy in selecting, performing, supervising, and reporting GI/GU imaging investigations and minor imaging-guided interventions.
  • Understand and practice appropriate Islamic medical ethics and undertake an attitude of accepted professional conduct that shall be applied throughout the fellow's subsequent medical career.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Saudi Body Imaging Subspecialty Program, a candidate must complete the general admission requirements as stated in the PGME website, in addition to the following:

  1. Possess a Saudi Specialty Certificate in Radiology or its equivalent (which is approved by the Saudi Commission) or have completed the written component to the Saudi Specialty Certificate in Radiology.
  2. Be licensed to practice medicine in Saudi Arabia.
  3. Successfully passed the interview for this particular subspecialty.
  4. Register as a trainee at the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

Training Requirements

  1. Training shall be full-time. The trainee shall be enrolled for the entire two-year period.
  2. Training shall be conducted in institutions accredited for training by the Saudi Board of Radiology and the subspecialty of Body Imaging.
  3. Training shall be comprehensive and include all aspects designated in the structure and content of the program.
  4. Trainees shall be actively involved in patient care with a gradual progression of responsibility.
  5. Trainees shall abide by the other training regulations and obligations set by the Saudi Board of Radiology and the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

Center Accreditation

Centers will be accredited to participate in the program based on the fulfillment of several criteria, which include but are not limited to the following:

  1. The imaging department has an established subspecialty body imaging section
  2. The section has a minimum of two subspecialty certified radiologists in body imaging.
  3. The volume of patients is sufficient (see Appendix 1).
  4. The imaging equipment is of satisfactory standard (see Appendix 2).
  5. The department is already accredited for residency training in radiology.

Structure of the Training Program

Program Content

Methods of Instruction/Training

The program objectives shall be achieved through all of the following:

  • Demonstration of proper indications, protocols, techniques and procedures.
  • Direct supervision of fellows during performance of their duties with appropriate feedback afforded.
  • Provision of opportunity for consultation with senior staff to solve clinical problems.
  • Discussion of methods of investigation, diagnosis and management of various clinical problems during readout sessions.
  • Conducting unknown case tutorials, both by and for the fellow.
  • Review reports dictated by the fellow before verification with verbal instruction when significant errors are found.
  • Provision of guidance and assistance during the performance of research projects.


Fellows will be permitted four weeks of annual leave during the program in addition to only one of the two Eid vacations (7-10 days). Fellows will not be permitted to take leaves during the fluoroscopy rotation. A maximum of two weeks of vacation may be taken during rotation through any specific service modality. Leave requests must be submitted well in advance. One week of appropriately justified emergency leave and one week of properly confirmed study leave may be allowed during the program.

Evaluation & Certification

Mentoring staff members will regularly evaluate Fellows' clinical performance, professional attitude, and assimilation of knowledge. Periodic (every three months) written evaluations (Appendix 4) will be obtained from concerned staff and summarized by the fellowship director into a single form that the fellow will review and sign. The fellowship training committee will review these evaluations periodically to identify aspects that may require further emphasis or counseling. Attendance at didactic activities will also be monitored.

Provided that evaluations and attendance are satisfactory, the fellow will be required to undergo an OSCE examination at the end of the first year to be promoted to the second year. At the end of the second year, the fellow must pass both a written and an oral examination. The examination committees will be formed by the subspecialty committee of the Saudi Commission.

Upon satisfactory completion of the above requirements, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties will confer upon the trainee the official certification of the subspecialty training program.


Minimum average workload requirements for recognition of the training center for subspecialty rotational training in body imaging (rotations may complement deficiencies at other institutions):

ExaminationCases per week

Ultrasound 200

Doppler sonography 25

CT scan & CT angiography 75

MRI & MR angiography 25

Fluoroscopy 25

Cross-sectional interventional procedures 35


Minimum equipment requirements for recognition of the training center for subspecialty rotational training in body imaging are:

  • Ultrasound: Probe frequencies ranging between 3.5-12 MHz, color and power Doppler capabilities.
  • CT scan: Multi-detector scanner (16 detector rows or more), radiation dose modulation, and power injector are indispensable. Non-ionic IV contrast media must be available.
  • MRI: 1.5 T or above scanner with a phased array body coil. Basic spin-echo, gradient-echo & fat suppression sequences, in addition to 3D angiographic sequences, are a must. Diffusion-weighted capabilities are highly recommended. A power injector and ECG & respiratory-gating facilities are mandatory.
  • Fluoroscopy: Standard digital fluoroscopic capabilities and various barium and water-soluble contrast agents are required.
  • 3D postprocessing workstation: capable of all basic techniques for reformations and angiographic rendering is essential.

Contact Us:

Dr. Badr Almutairi

Program Director

Assistant Professor of radiology at KSAU-HS

Body imaging Consultant KAMC.

King Abdulaziz Medical City-CR, MNG-HA

  • P.O. Box 22490 Riyadh 11426, K.S.A.
  • Mail Code 1222
  • Tel. No. +966 1 8011111 Ext. 13275
  • Fax No. +966 1 8011111 Ext. 11411
  • Email:

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Last Modified

3/2/2023 9:42 AM