Official Saudi Government website URL ends with

Website belongs to an official government organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always ends with

Official Secure websites use HTTPS

Secured governments websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia use Https encryption.

Registered on Digital Government Authority: 20221231224
MNGHA Email service

The service allows all MNGHA​​ employees to access their email account.

  • Employees
ADSelfServicePlus (Email Password Reset)

The service allows all MNGHA employees to reset their email password.
  • Employees
MNGHA Employee Self-Service

The Employee Mobile Application for the Ministry of National Guard – Health Affairs’ employees allows users to interact easily with leave requests and purchase requests listed under their account at any time any place. Additionally, it allows the users to view their personal information, salary details, follow up on their registered requests, and submit some administrative requests such as: requesting for an employee certificate or a leave and others.

  • Employees
Mobile E-mail Setup

Mobile email setup. 

  • Employees
Submit a leave request
Through this service, the employee can submit leave requests​.
  • Employees
Business Leave request
Through this service, the employee can submit a business leave request
  • Employees
sick Leave request
A service that allows the employee to upload sick leave in the system​.
  • Employees
Professional Leave request
A service that allows a health worker employee to submit a professional leave​
  • Employees
E-Employment Certificate view
A service that enables health affairs employees at the Ministry of National Guard to view and print the salary definition and other special definitions through the application​
  • Employees
Employee social club services request
A service that allows employees to apply for social club membership​
  • Employees
Final Clearance view
a service that allows employees to electronically complete their employment procedures when leaving a job or retiring. This service includes settling all financial and administrative obligations between the employee and the orgnization​.
  • Employees
School Fees services request
Submitting School Fee Applications for Family Members​
  • Employees
Payslip services view
Allows them to view details of their monthly salary, including basic pay, allowances, and any other bonuses or additions.​
  • Employees
pending request view
A service that allows employees to view their pending request​
  • Employees
Delegation services
A service that enables employees to delegate their authorities to another employee during their leave.​
  • Employees
Employee social club loan request
A service that allows employees to apply loan for social club membership​
  • Employees
Employee Leave Balance View
A service that allows employees to view their leave balance.​
  • Employees