Medical Imaging Department

The department of Medical Imaging at the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs (MNGHA), Central Region, continues to offer the finest imaging services to eligible National Guard Health Affairs Patients and Physicians.

The department currently comprises 65 Radiologists in 8 sub-specialties, including Cardiothoracic Radiology, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Women’s Imaging, Neuroradiology, Vascular & Interventional Radiology, Pediatric Radiology, Molecular Imaging & Nuclear Medicine, and Abdominal Imaging divisions.

About 340 Radiology Technologists, Allied Sciences, Nurses, and Support Staff are trained in International Standards. They are contributors to providing patient care.

Since 2019, the American College of Radiology (ACR) has been granted accreditation certificates for CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, PET CT, Mammography, Breast Ultrasound, and Breast MRI. The ACR is recognized as the gold standard in medical imaging and assures the patients and referring physicians that our institution is committed to providing the safest and best quality care possible.

We have the most extensive Radiology Residency Training Program in Saudi Arabia. We have established Fellowship programs for Cardiothoracic Imaging, Neuro-Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Body Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, and Pediatric Radiology.

We are proud that we have provided our graduated fellows from different parts of the Kingdom with a solid foundation to care for the citizens of their respective communities. Moreover, we have residents, interns, and several medical students from King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS).

Several of our Consultants contribute to formal teaching at the Medical school. We make an invaluable contribution to over 30 Multidisciplinary Team meetings – essential to modern patient care.

Medical Imaging Department Capacity

The Department of Medical Imaging continues to improve in its productivity. We provide an average of 460,000 procedures annually, of which 139,000 are ER admission, 143,000 are from inpatient admission, and 180,000 are outpatient admission.

A drop in productivity in March, April, and May 2020 is due to limited patient admission during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which started to recover starting June 2020.

Divisions of Medical Imaging Department

Medical Imaging Scope of Services

High quality, comprehensive diagnostic testing, offering the most advanced technical capabilities and modern facilities to eligible inpatients and outpatients.

Well-qualified, motivated, and customer-oriented staff who have all the required licenses to provide the following services:

  1. General or digital radiography
  2. Fluoroscopy
  3. DEXA scan - Bone density
  4. Digital mammography (ACR Accredited)
  5. Stereotactic breast biopsy
  6. Ultrasonography (ACR Accredited)
  7. Vascular and interventional radiology
  8. CT scanning (256 and 64-slice) (ACR Accredited)
  9. Molecular imaging and nuclear medicine (ACR Accredited)
  10. MRI 1.5 Tesla, 3 Tesla, Open MRI 1 Tesla (ACR Accredited)

Furthermore, the scope of service covers:

  1. Quality control, monitoring and evaluation
  2. Monitoring aspects with infection prevention and control
  3. Voice recognition for reporting
  4. Inpatient/ER patients transportation from and to Medical Imaging Department
  5. QC tests for Radiology equipment
  6. Nursing services for patients in Medical Imaging Department
  7. Management of safety reports
  8. Copying images onto CD for external use.
  9. Downloading external CDs for comparison reasons.
  10. Equipment selection and marketing of services.
  11. Continuing staff education
  12. Training of medical residents, technologists and nurses
  13. Investigation of patient complaints directed to Medical Imaging Department.
  14. Support the Medical Imaging units of the PHCs in regards to policies, standardized practice and in-services.

Medical Imaging Department Clinical Programs

  • Suspected Cancer Program.
  • Radiology Oncology Acceleration Track - Radiology-Oncology Accelerated Track Program - This program is dedicated to help patients with newly diagnosed/suspected malignancy to access quality care with the intent to reduce delays in management. The Medical Imaging Department would have special arrangement to do imaging studies in an urgent and organized way.
  • Imaging Wisely Campaign.
  • Peer Review.

Dr. Hesham Mohammed Al Shalan


Dr. Abdullah Al Hammad

Pediatric Radiology Division Head

Dr. Manar El Essawy

Women’s imaging Section Head

Dr. Ghassan Al Maziad

Abdominal Imaging Division Head

Dr. Mohammed Al Zayed

Nuclear Medicine Division Head

Dr. Mohammed Al Salman

MSK Radiology Division Head

Dr. Muhammad Aljaz Ahmed

Neuro Radiology Division Head

Dr. Sulaiman Al Rajhi

Chest Radiology Section Head

Dr. Shaker Awad Al Shehri

Translational Radiology Sciences Division Head

Contact Medical Imaging


Phone: +966-11-8011111

Ext.: 13142

Medical Imaging

Department for Medical Imaging banner at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh  

Mission Statement

To provide the finest and accurate diagnostic & intervention imaging services in a dynamic research and academic facility to our Patients, Physicians and students by utilizing state of the art equipment and highly skilled clinical manpower in a pleasant, safe, dignified and respectful environment.


To provide fully sub- specialized medical imaging services with accredited fellowship programs, implement an active research program in a highly evolved information system which provides advanced business analytics and to ensure smooth and integrated transition into new, expanded facilities.


  1. To complete sub specialization of the department.

  2. To start fellowship programs.

  3. To integrate our Radiology Information System with a business intelligent solution.

  4. To enhance research activities within Medical Imaging department.