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ACC Clinic 201 (Ear/Nose/Throat)

This clinic is concerned with diagnosing and treating disorders of the head and neck, particularly the ears, nose, and throat. The clinic provides services related to ears, nose, and throat cases, especially head and neck diseases and patients on tracheostomy.

Clinic specialties include Head and Neck Clinic, Dizzy Clinic, Otology/Neurology, Rhinology, Tracheostomy Clinic, Adult Cochlear and Cochlear Voice Therapy, Adult Audiology, and speech therapy. The clinic consists of 22 rooms catering to 700 patients per week.

Scope of Service

Unit Name: ACC clinic 201

Unit Description: Ear/Nose/Throat (ENT).

Patient Population: Adult (Mixed Gender).

Hours of Operation:
08:00 – 17:00 Hours (Sundays to Thursdays) 5 days per week; Extend clinic 3 days /week (0800-20:00) Sun, Mon, Wednesday.

No of Beds:
Audio Room – 6, ENT Rooms – 7, Speech Rooms - 4

Occupancy Rate:
700 patients per week

Staff Categories:
Registered Nurse, Patient Care Technician, Unit Assistant, Runner

Primary Diagnosis:
ENT – Adenoid Hypertrophy, Deviated Nasal Septum, Foreign Bodies Ears/Nose, Vertigo, Tonsillitis, Nasal Deformities, Sinusitis, Chronic Supurative Otitis Media, Vocal Cord Paralysis; AUDILOGY – Pre-employment / Pre-operative Audiogram, Tympanogram, Calorie Test, EMG.

Primary Procedures:
Auditory brain stem response, Speech Pathology Test, Fiberscope (Nasal and Vocal Cords), Tracheostomy Tube Change, Removal of post-operative sutures and nasal packing, Suctioning of foreign body / ear wax removal, Skin allergy testing, Laryngoscopy, Pre-Operative ENT Clearance, Rhinoplasty, Biopsies, Myringotomy & Tube Insertion, Stroboscopy.

Model of Nursing Care:
Total Patient Care Utilizing a Partnership Model.

Clinic 201

Unit name

Clinic 201 ENT

Patient population


Hours of operation

0800 – 1700 hours Sat. to Wed.

5 days per week

Number of beds

Pediatric – 2 to14 years

Mixed gender

Audio Room - 6

ENT Rooms – 7

Speech Rooms – 4

Number of visits

600 / week

Staff categories

  • Registered Nurse

  • Patient Educator

  • Unit Assistant

  • Patient Care Technician

  • Patient Escort

  • Runner

Primary patient diagnoses

ENT – Adenoid hypertrophy, deviated nasal septum, foreign bodies ears/nose, vertigo, tonisilitis, nasal deformities, sinusitis, chronic supurative otitis media,vocal cord paralysis.

AUDIOLOGY- Pre-employment/pre-operative audiogram, tympanogram, calorie test, EMG.


  • Auditory brain stem response

  • Speech Pathology

  • Fibreroscopy (nasal & vocal cords)

  • Tracheostomy tube change

  • Removal of post-operative sutures & nasal packing

  • Suctioning of foreign body / ear wax removal

  • Skin allergy testing

  • Laryngoscopy

  • Pre-Operative ENT clearance

  • Rhinoplasty

  • Biopsies

  • Myringotomy & tube insertion

  • Stroboscopy

Nursing care Delivery system

Total Patient Care in a Partnership Model

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Last Modified

9/5/2022 1:49 PM

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