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ACC Clinic 203 and 204 (Ophthalmology / Optometry)

This Clinic specializes in medical and surgical eye problems. Subspecialties include Anterior Segment, Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy, Contact Lens, Refraction/Visual Check-up, Oculo-Plastic, Minor surgeries, Lasers therapy, Intravitreal injections, Fluorescein Angiography (FFA), Visual Field, Uveitis, Post op Clinics. The Clinic consists of 24 rooms and caters to 1100 patients per week.​

Scope of Service

Unit Name: ACC clinic 203/204.

Unit Description: Ophthalmology / Optometry.

Patient Population: Adult (Mixed Gender).

Hours of Operation:
08:00 – 17:00 Hours (Sundays to Thursdays) 5 days per week; Extended clinic4 days/week (0800-20:00) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

No of Beds:
10 Exam Rooms, 4 Screening, 2 Dilation Rooms, 2 Treatment and Procedure Rooms, 2 Laser Rooms, 4 Technical Procedures Rooms, 1 Ultrasound.

Occupancy Rate:
1000 patients per week.

Staff Categories:
Registered Nurse, Patient Care Technician, Unit Assistant, Runner.

Primary Diagnosis:
Ocular Trauma, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, Strabismus, Diplopia, Cataract, Myopia, Amblyopia, Keratoconus, Astigmatism and all other types of eye affection.

Primary Procedures:
General Optometry, Visual Acuity, Glasses/Contact Lens, Prescription & Fitting, Intraocular Lens Calculations, Topography, Fluroscein Angiography, Tarsorrharphy, Minor Ophthalmic Surgery, Blepharoplasty, Entropion Correction, Ptyregium Excision, Chalazion Excision, Yag and Argon Laser Therapy, Visual Fields, Intravitreal Injection, Ultrasound, Biometrix A & B Scan.

Model of Nursing Care: Total Patient Care Utilizing a Partnership Model.

Clinic 204

Unit name

Clinic 204 General Pediatrics

Patient population

Pediatric – 2 to14 years

Mixed gender

Hours of operation

0800 – 1700 hours Sat. to Wed.

5 days per week

Number of beds

17 Exam Room

4 Screening room

2 Nurse Clinic

Number of visits


Staff categories

  • Registered Nurse

  • Patient Educator

  • Unit Assistant

  • Patient Care Technician

  • Patient Escort

  • Runner

Primary patient diagnoses

Diabetes, Anemia, Epilepsy, Asthma, Allergic Reactions, premature infants, nephrotic syndrome, well baby, early discharge, immune. Def. Spina Bifida. Immunodeficiency, cerebral palsy

Gastric problems; UTI, failure to thrive


  • Urinary catheterization

  • Nasogastric tube insertion

  • Vaccination/immunization

  • Tuberculin skin testing

  • Skin testing

  • Wound dressing, suture/ allergy/ staple removal

  • Suctioning (nasal/oral)

  • Botox injection

Nursing care Delivery system

Total Patient Care in a Partnership Model

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Last Modified

9/5/2022 1:50 PM

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