ACC Clinic 101 and 102 (OB-Gyne)

The clinic provides comprehensive maternity care for women with sub-medical specialties in General Obstetrics and Gynecology Cases, High-Risk Pregnancy with Practicing Perinatologists GDM; cases that require a multi-disciplinary team approach, including Perinatology and Endocrinology follow-up, recurrent fetal loss, Peri-natal mortality, Family Planning Gyne Cases Maternal and fetal monitoring and assessment inclusive of short stay GDM Monitoring ultrasonography, Fetal Doppler’s Pelvic examinations, Colposcopy, Cryotherapy, Minor gynecological surgery, Antenatal teaching, Office hysteroscopy, nursing are practicing suture and staple removal post-C-section. The clinic consists of 20 rooms and caters to 1500 patients per week.​

Scope of Service

Unit Name: ACC clinic 101 and 102.

Unit Description: Obstetrics / Gynecology.

Patient Population: Adult Female.

Hours of Operation:
08:00-17:00 Hours (Sundays to Thursdays) 5 days per week; Extend clinic 4 days /week (08:00-20:00) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

No of Beds:
20 Rooms: Exam Rooms; Procedure & Recovery Room; Nurse Clinic; 2 Screening Rooms; 2 Patient Educator Room; NST Room 3; Fetal Assessment Room inclusive of short stay patients.

Occupancy Rate:
1500 patients per week.

Staff Categories:
Registered Nurse, Nurse Midwife, Patient Educator, Patient Care Technician, Unit Assistant, Patient Escort, Runner.

Primary Diagnosis:
General Obstetrics and Gynecology Cases, High Risk Pregnancy with Practicing Perinatologists, GDM; cases that requires multi-disciplinary team approach including Perinatology & Endocrinology follow-up, recurrent fetal loss, Peri-natal mortality, Family Planning, Gyne Cases.

Primary Procedures:
Maternal and fetal monitoring and assessment inclusive of short stay, GDM Monitoring, ultrasonography, Fetal Doppler’s, Pelvic examinations, Colposcopy, Cryotherapy, Minor gynecological surgery, Antenatal teaching, Office hysteroscopy.

Model of Nursing Care:
Total Patient Care Utilizing a Partnership Model.

Unit name

Clinic 101 & 102 Obstetrics / Gynecology

Patient population

Adult Female

Hours of operation

0800 – 1700 hours Sat. to Wed.

5 days per week

Number of beds

16 Rooms: Exam rooms; Procedure & Recovery room; Nurse Clinic; 2 Screening rooms; 2 Patient Educator room, 4 Gyne-Onco rooms.

NST room 3; Fetal Assessment room inclusive of short stay patient’s

Number of visits

1500 / week

Staff categories

Registered Nurse

Nurse Midwife

Patient Educator

Unit Assistant

Patient Care Technician

Patient Escort


Primary patient diagnoses

General Obstetrics & Gynecology sub-specialty clinic, High risk pregnancy with practicing perinatologists, GDM; multi-disciplinary team approach & perinatologist & Endocrinologists, recurrent fetal loss peri-natal mortality, family planning, Gyn- oncology, gyn/med/oncology.


  • Maternal & fetal monitoring & assessments inclusive of short stay;

  • GDM monitoring ultrasonography

  • Fetal doppler’s

  • pelvic examinations

  • colposcopy

  • cryotherapy

  • minor gynecological surgery

  • antenatal teaching

Nursing care Delivery system

Total Patient Care in a Partnership Model