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Division of General Pediatrics

The Division of General Pediatrics at King Abdullah Specialized Children's Hospital (KASCH) takes care of kids up to 14 years old. Our main job is to care for hospitalized children with common conditions like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sickle cell disease, seizures, etc., as well as children with complex multi-system disorders that often depend on technology and need care from a variety of specialists. We offer both inpatient and outpatient care for kids who need to be checked on often.

Mission and Vision of General Pediatrics

The Division's mission is to improve children's health through excellence in patient care, teaching, research, and health care promotion.

Vision: To become the leading Division of General Pediatrics in the Kingdom in improving patient care, patient safety, and trainee education

Objectives of General Pediatrics

  1. To provide the highest quality of patient care to hospitalized pediatric patients

  2. To educate and train medical students, interns, pediatric residents, and fellows

  3. To engage in research and quality improvement projects to improve the care delivered to hospitalized patients

General Pediatrics Programs

  • Clinical Teaching Units (CTUs):

We have 4 clinical teaching unit (CTU) teams, each with a consultant (an attending pediatrician), a senior resident, two junior residents, and an intern. We care for about 70% of all children admitted to the Department of Pediatrics at KASCH, making us the service with the most admissions. We also offer consultations for inpatients who are there because of a pediatric subspecialty or a pediatric surgical specialty.

  • Advanced Pediatric Fellowship program(approved to start in January 2022):

A newly accredited program by SCHS aims to bridge the community's need for competent General pediatricians that will serve the people in different regions at KSA.

It is a two-year program with a capacity of seven fellows per year. Fellows will be rotating in clinical teaching units, ambulatory care clinics, family medicine clinics, child mental health, development, PICU, and ER. They will have elective and research rotations as well. Quality improvement is an important requirement for fellows to complete.

The Department of Pediatrics is proud and honored to be the first center accredited by SCHS for this program that will aid in serving our beloved community.

  • Complex Care Service: The Pediatric Complex Care program at KASCH provides care for children with multiple and complex health needs.

The program started on January,2021. The team provides inpatient and outpatient care . The current maximum inpatients capacity is twelve patients .

Since the beginning of the program, there were 31 patients enrolled. Patients have been received from different specialties; seven from NICU, fourteen from CTU, six from surgery, and four from other medical specialties. In addition to ten outpatients referrals seen.
During this period, there was a total of 19 patients discharged.

Education and Training in General Pediatrics Division

We teach medical students, interns, and residents through the Clinical Teaching Units.

The Advanced Pediatric Fellowship Program began in January 2022. It is a new program approved by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. Its goal is to meet the community's need for competent general pediatricians who can help people in different parts of KSA.

General Pediatrics Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Average LOS, % discharged within 24 hours of admission, % of discharges 7AM-2PM, and % of weekend discharges.

General Pediatrics Clinical Care Outcomes

Pre-CTU and CTU Comparisons

Clinical Care Outcomes

CTU Era 2016-2018

CTU Era 2016-2018

General Pediatrics Achievements and Awards

  1. Dr. Manal Bawazeer

Appreciation letter for the success of Pediatric Home Health Care Rapid Response Team - 2021

General Pediatrics Division Research and Publications

  1. Nafeesah AA, Fakeeh KA, Chishty S, Hameed T. E. coli versus Non-E. coli Urinary Tract Infections in Children: A Study from a Large Tertiary Care Center in Saudi Arabia. IJPAM (in press).

  2. Hameed TK, Al Dubayee MS, Masuadi EM, Al-Anzi FG, Al Asmary NA. Prevalence of depressive symptoms and excessive daytime sleepiness in a cohort of Saudi doctors under training: A cross sectional study. J Taibah Univ Med Sci 2021; 16(5)695-699.

  3. Alharbi M, Kazzaz Y, Hameed T, Alqanatish J, Alkhalaf H, Alsadoon A, Alayed M, Abu Hussein S, Al Shaalan M, Al Johani SM. SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children, Clinical Characteristics, Diagnostic Findings and Therapeutic Interventions at a Tertiary Care Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. J Infect Public Health 2021 Apr;4:446-453.

  4. Hameed T, Bawazeer M, Alfattoh N, Alanazi S. A 4-year-old boy with Lemierre’s syndrome caused by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. J Infect Public Health 2020 Sep;13(9):1360-1362.

  5. Hameed T, Nafeesah AA, Chishti S, Shaalan MA, Fakeeh KA. Community-acquired Urinary Tract Infections in Children: Resistance Patterns of Uropathogens in a Tertiary Care Centre in Saudi Arabia. IJPAM 2019; 6(2):51-54.

  6. Hameed TK, Masuadi E, Asmary AA, Al-Anzi FG, Dubayee MS. A study of resident duty hours and burnout in a sample of Saudi residents. BMC Med Educ 2018;18:180.

  7. Alanazi S, Moafa H, Al-Qahtani F, Hameed T. Brugada Syndrome in a 4-year-old child with Lemierre syndrome – A case report. J Saudi Heart Assoc 2018;30(2):150-152.

  8. Rumayyan AR, Zahrani AA, Hameed TK. High school versus graduate entry in a Saudi medical school – is there any difference in academic performance and professionalism lapses? BMC Med Educ 2016;16:315.

  9. Hameed T, Lawrence, S. The training paths and practice patterns of Canadian paediatric residency graduates, 2004-2010. Paediatr Child Health 2016;21(3):123-126.

  10. Hameed T, Shariff A, Perry S, Dickinson M. A Comparison of Consults Seen in an Urban and a Rural Consulting General Paediatric Clinic in Canada. Paediatr Child Health 2013;18(5):237-240.

  11. Al-Otaibi A, Almuneef M, Hameed T. An unusual combination of extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis in a child. J Infect Public Health 2012;5(2):203-206.

  12. Udupa S, Hameed T, Kovesi T. Pneumomediastinum and Subcutaneous Emphysema Associated with Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Infection in Children. CMAJ 2011;183:220-222.

  13. Hameed TK, Robinson JL. Review of the use of cephalosporins in children with anaphylactic reactions from penicillins. Can J Infect Dis 2002;13(4)253-258.

  14. Robinson JL, Hameed T, Carr S. Practical Aspects of Choosing an Antibiotic for Patients with a Reported Allergy to Antibiotic. Clin Infect Dis 2002;35:26-31.

  15. Hameed TK, Hodge WG and Buhrmann R. An Inventory of Information on Blindness and Visual Impairment in Canada. Can J Ophthalmol 2001;36(4):175-185.

  16. Hameed TK, Masuadi E, Al Asmary NA, Al-Anzi FG, Al Dubayee MS. A study of resident duty hours and burnout in a sample of Saudi residents. BMC medical education. 2018 Dec;18(1):1-6. Hameed TK, Al Dubayee MS, Masuadi EM, Al-Anzi FG, Al Asmary NA. Prevalence of depressive symptoms and excessive daytime sleepiness in a cohort of Saudi doctors under training: A cross sectional study. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. 2021 Jun 10

  17. The phagocytic index and the microbicidal activity of granulocytes in infantile rickets, Thesis Master degree in Pediatrics 1991, Alexandria University. published in Alexandria university medical science journal 1991/3.

  18. Non Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis in children of Ireland (45 patients) Abou Zaid.A, Elnazir B, Greally P, Irish J Med Sci 2005; 174 (4) e4: 1-71 Abstracts of the Irish Paediatric Association, November 2005

  19. Presented in winter meeting of Irish Paediatrics Association (IPA) November 2005,

  20. published in, Irish J Med Sci 2005; 174 (4) e4: 1-71 Abstracts of the Irish Paediatric Association, November 2005

  21. A Retrospective study on children with bronchiectasis (92 patients) Abou Zaid.A, Elnazir B, Greally P, Irish J Med Sci 2007; 176 (10) S402 5.7 Abstracts of the Irish Thoracic society, Annual Scientific meeting November 2007

  22. Presented in winter meeting of Irish Thoracic society (ITS) November 2007 & IPA November 2007,and Published in Irish J Med Sci 2007; 176 (10) S402 5.7 Abstracts of the Irish Thoracic society, Annual Scientific meeting November 2007

  23. A decade of Non-Cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis 1996-2006 Abou Zaid.A, Elnazir B, Greally P, IMJ March 2010,volume 103(3) Original article published in IMJ March 2010,volume 103(3) Abou Zaid.A, Elnazir B, Greally P A decade of Non-Cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis 1996-2006IMJ 2010,v103 (3)

  24. The National incidence of Non Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis in children of Ireland. Prospective National study from 2006 – 2008 Abou Zaid.A, Elnazir B, Greally P, IMJ March 2010,volume 103(3) Conducted Via the Irish Paediatric Surveillance Unit (IPSU) and published as addendum in IMJ March 2010,volume 103(3)

  25. Unexpected admissions in rotunda neonatal unit – Audit Zaid. A, Mc Dermott. C,Clarke.T

  26. Presented in the Neonatal National Research Day 6th November 2009

  27. A Spontaneous Unilateral Bloody Nipple Discharge Case study in a 7-month-old boy Abou Zaid.A, Ei.Carolan, Sharif.F Published 28th October 2011 BMJ Case Reports 2011; doi:10.1136/bcr.01.2011.3761

  28. Acute cerebilitis associated with dual influenza A (H1N1) and B infection. Hackett I , O'Sullivan R , Zaid AA , Rea D , Walsh S Irish Med J.2013 Mar ; 106(3):87-8.

  29. A one year retrospective review of vitamin D level, bone profile, liver function tests and body mass index in children with Cystic Fibrosis in Children University Hospital, Dublin (IJDHD) Ahmareen.O.pentoy.m, healy.F, Abou Zaid,A int. Disable hum Dev 2015 ; 14 (1) : 31-36

  30. Combination of lumacaftor and ivacaftor is the first regimen designed to treat the underlying cause of CF in people with two copies of the F508del mutation, the most common form of the disease- Multicenter trial, I was one among 4 investigators in Our Lady's Children's Hospital (Crumlin) , Ireland.

  31. Vitamin D in Cystic Fibrosis Children, An experience of children university hospital in Dublin Ahmareen.O.pentoy.m, healy.F, Abou zaid,A int.Disable hum Dev 2015 ; 14 (1) : 31-36 Audit performed and presented in the research meeting - children university hospital in Dublin

  32. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: Success Rate of Nasal Brushing Samples Respiratory Department, OLCHC,Dublin Conor O'Reilly1 , Maeve Mulvehill1, Clare Hayden1, Sheila Javadpour1, Desmond Cox1,

  33. Paul McNally1, Ahmed Zaid1, Respiratory Department, OLCHC1, Dublin

  34. Alshammari E, Alharthy N, Alqueflie S, Alasmari L. The importance of the number of tracheal intubation attempts at the Emergency Department of King Abdullah Specialized Children's Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

  35. Alrafiaah AS, Alqarny MH, Alkubedan HY, AlQueflie S, Omair A. Are the Saudi parents aware of antibiotic role in upper respiratory tract infections in children?

  36. Alhekail GA, Althubaiti A, AlQueflie S. The association between body mass index and frequency of emergency department visits and hospitalization for asthma exacerbation in a pediatric population.

  37. Alharthy N, Al Mutairi M, AlQueflie S, Nefesa AB, Manie NB, Nafesa SB, et al. Pattern of burns identified in the pediatrics emergency department at king Abdul-Aziz medical city: Riyadh

  38. Al-Atawi MS, Al-Queflie SA, Al-Sadoon HA. Recurrent episodes of unexplained hypoelectrolytaemia of a rare cause in a young Saudi girl

  39. Alharthy N, Al Queflie S, Alyousef K, Yunus F. Clinical manifestations that predict abnormal brain computed tomography (CT) in children with minor head injury

  40. Alfageer HH, Aldawodi MD, Alqueflie SA, Masud N, Alharthy NA, Alogayyel N, et al. Knowledge and attitude of male primary school teachers about attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

  41. Bawazeer M, Aljeraisy M, Albanyan E, Abdullah A, Al Thaqafi W, Alenazi J. Effect of combined dexamethasone therapy with nebulized r-epinephrine or salbutamol in infants with bronchiolitis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Avicenna journal of medicine. 2014 Jul;4(3):58.

  42. Experience of king Abdullah specialized children hospital in pediatric palliative care. Poster, pediatric department, KASCH, 2018

  43. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Human Leukocyte Antigen matching to produce a “Saviour Sibling": A look at religious sources. Poster ,Bioethics department, Hospital Of Sick Children, 2015

  44. Attitude and knowledge of Saudi parents and physician toward the use of PGD/HLA typing to produce a Saviour sibling 2012 (master thesis, not published)

  45. Discharge against medical advice: Child's vs. parents' rights. Oral presentation based research, 4th pediatric research day 2010 (not published)

  46. Case Report: Neonatal Necrotizing Fasciitis in Premature Infants . poster, pediatric department, KAMC, 2004

  47. Yara Al Goraini , Manal Bawazeer, Rana Kattan, Manar AlGhamdi. Common fall-related injuries in children at King Abdul Aziz Medical City, Riyadh — Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- Abstract in Patients Safety Forum

  48. Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter among children from Saudi Arabia (Presented in ICAAC).

  49. Norah Al Manna, Shahla Almani,Rana Kattan, Manal Bawazeer. Caregiver knowledge in dealing with different pediatric emergency situations: A cross-sectional study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia- Abstract in Patients Safety Forum

  50. The Incidence of Infants with Down Syndrome Born to Diabetic Mothers in National Guard Population form 2005-2009 (Presented as a poster in KAIMRC annual scientific forum in: 2-3November/2010).

  51. Cross- Sectional Study to Assess the Factors Associated with Self-medication with Antibiotics (Presented as a poster in KAIMRC annual scientific forum in: 2-3November/2010)

  52. Al-Alwan I, AlRowaeah A, Bawazeer M. Diagnosed congenital hypothyroidism with missing follow-up: is it time for a national registry?[Published correction appears in Ann Saudi Med. 2013 Jan-Feb;33(1):83. Al-Alwani, Ibrahim [corrected to Al-Alwan, Ibrahim]] [published correction appears in Ann Saudi Med. 2013 Sep-Oct;33(5):516]. Ann Saudi Med.2012;32(6):652-655. doi:10.5144/0256-4947.2012.26.5.1137

  53. Poster accepted at KAIMRC annual scientific forum in November 2012" Knowledge, Attitudes, and acceptance of HPV vaccine among Pediatricians and Gynecologists in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  54. Balkhy HH, Bawazeer MS, Kattan RF, Tamim HM, Al Johani SM,Aldughashem FA, Al Alem HA, Adlan A, Herwaldt LA. Epidemiology of Acinetobacter spp.-associated healthcare infections and colonization among children at a tertiary-care hospital in Saudi Arabia: a 6-year retrospective cohort study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2012 Oct;31(10):2645-51. doi: 10.1007/s10096-012-1608-8. Epub 2012 Apr 5.PMID: 22476386.

  55. Bawazeer MS, Al Alawyat H, Zamakhshary M. Applicability of adult guidelines for withholding or terminating resuscitation for prehospital traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest in pediatrics. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Apr;25(2):206-11. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1357750.Epub 2014 Jan 7. PMID: 24399668.

  56. Bawazeer M, Aljeraisy M, Albanyan E, Abdullah A, Al Thaqa W, Alenazi J, Al Otaibi Z, Al Ghaihab M. Effect of combined dexamethasone therapy with nebulized r-epinephrine or salbutamol in infants with bronchiolitis: A randomized, double blind, controlled trial. Avicenna J Med. 2014 Jul;4(3):58-65. doi: 10.4103/2231-0770.133333. PMID: 24982826; PMCID: PMC4065461.

  57. Alnemer KA, Pani SC, Althubaiti AM, Bawazeer M. Impact of birth characteristics, breast feeding and vital statistics on the eruption of primary teeth among healthy infants in Saudi Arabia: an observational study. BMJ Open. 2017 Dec 15;7(12):e018621. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018621. PMID: 29248886; PMCID:PMC5778285. Aldrees T, Alsuhaibani R, Alqaryan S, Alzahrani H, Alharethy S, Alghunaim A, Alohali S, Bawazeer Physicians' attire. Parents preferences in a tertiary hospital.

  58. M.Saudi Med J. 2017 Apr; 38(4):435-439. doi: 10.15537/smj.2017.4.15853.PMID: 28397953 13.Alfakeekh K, Azar M, Sowailmi BA, Alsulaiman S, Makdob SA, Omair A, Albanyan E, Bawazeer MS.J Infect Public Health. Immunosuppressive 2019 Jan-Feb;12(1):90-94. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2018.09.006. Epub 29.PMID: 30279098

  59. Hameed T, Bawazeer M, Alfattoh N, Alanazi S. A 4-year-old boy with Lemierre's syndrome caused by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. J Infect Public Health. 2020 Sep;13(9):1360-1362. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2020.05.013. Epub 2020 Jun 2. PMID: 32507402.

  60. Bawazeer M, Alsalamah RK, Almazrooa DR, Alanazi SK, Alsaif NS, Alsubayyil RS, Althubaiti A, Mahmoud AF. Neonatal hospital readmissions: Rate and associated causes. J Clin Neonatol [serial online] 2021 [cited 2021 Oct 19];10:233-8. Available

  61. Ghazia, Alaa A, Marwh A, ManalB, A triple antimicrobial regimen for multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia in a neonatal intensive care unit outbreak: A case series, Journal of Infection and Public Health, S1876-0341(21)00329-4, JIPH 1731, 2020 Published by Elsevier.

  62. Investigations for Infants Admitted with Apparent LifeThreatening event (ALTE) Necessity or Liability? Assessment at a Tertiary Care Hospital Reem Alfattouh, Nedaa Aldairi, Nazish Masud, Asma Awadalla,J Pak Med As soc; Vol. 68, No 10, October 2018

  63. Autism and Medication use Between Parents Willing and Worries

  64. Dr Abeer M Alharbi, Dr Asma AwadAIIah and Dr Ramesh Kumar, Current Opinions in Neurologicai Science 3. 7 (20 7 8): 604-6 7 2. Volume 3 • Issue 7 • 20 7 8; ISSN: 2575-5447

  65. Pediatric diaphragmatic pacing Tarek R. Hazwani, Bedoor Alotaibi,

  66. Wadha Alqahtani, Asma Awadalla, Ali Al Shehri King Abdullah Medical Research Center, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Ministry of National Guard-Health Affairs (NGHA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,Pediatric Reports 2019; 11:7973

  67. The Effect of COVID-19 Outbreak on Parents' Healthcare Seeking Behavior, KAIMARC

  68. Readiness to Change Among Parents of Overweight\ Obese Children in Saudi Arabia and Influencing Factors, KAIMARC

  69. Maddirevula, Sateesh, et al. "Further delineation of HIDEA syndrome." American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 182.12(2020): 2999-3006.‏

  70. Arabi, Hisham, et al. "Suspected Oseltamivir-induced bradycardia in a pediatric patient: A case report from King Abdullah Specialist Children's Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia." Clinics and practice 8.4 (2018): 102-103.‏

  71. Al Qahtani, Hanan Mohammed, et al. "Fatal meningitis in a 14-month-old with Currarino triad." Case reports in radiology 2016 (2016).‏

  72. Arabi H, Zaid AA, Al Anazi Abdullah. Effectiveness of two asthma educational delivery methods for guardians of asthma patients in Pediatric hospital. Poster presented at: 8th annual patient safety forum, 2018 April 9 -11, King Abdulla international research centre, Riyadh, KSA.

  73. Arabi H, Zaid AA, Awadallah A, Al Ghuneim L. An Infant with a unilateral facial paralysis caused by infectious mononucleosis. Poster presented at: 6th pediatric researchday, king Abdulla specilaised children hospital, 2017 Dec 24, Riyadh, KSA.

  74. 8- Zaid AA, Arabi H. Evaluation of new sedation pathway in children undergoing procedure in medical imaging. Poster presented at: 8th annual patient safety forum.

General Pediatrics Division Leadership

Dr. Tahir Hameed,


Section Head