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Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

The Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at King Abdullah Specialist Children's Hospital (KASCH) helps diagnose and treat acute and chronic infectious diseases in children, as well as infections that are born with or caused by birth defects. Our team members have advanced skills not only in clinical care but also in research and teaching.

Mission of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Our goal is to keep all children in the pediatric age group safe from infectious diseases through disease surveillance, analysis, immunization, and education.

Vision of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

To be a leader in the study and practice of infectious diseases.

Objectives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

  • Provide optimal care to pediatric patients referred to us in inpatient or outpatient services.
  • Guide our residents and fellows in the discipline of pediatric infectious diseases and infection prevention and control.
  • Conduct and participate in research and surveillance to further our field and gain new knowledge and insight for ourselves and our colleagues
  • Improve and sustain a safe patient environment by advocating infection control practices in the hospital.

Pediatric Infectious Diseases Programs

Outpatient Services

  • General ID Clinic

3 clinics every week, getting referrals from other outpatient services or following up with patients who have already been seen in inpatient services. These clinics are for children with a normal immune system with simple or complicated infections.

  • Immunization Clinic

Once a week, in special cases like when a child hasn't been vaccinated on time or if they have a weak immune system.

  • Immunocompromised Clinic

Once a week, all patients with a primary or secondary immune problem who need an infectious disease evaluation or ongoing care and monitoring for infectious disease are taken care of.

Location of Outpatient Services

King Abdullah Specialist Children's Hospital. Tower A, first floor, Clinic 710

  1. Dr. Mohammad Alshaalan. Tuesday, 1 pm to 4 pm
  2. Dr. Norah Alfattoh. Wednesday, 8 am to 12 pm
  3. Dr. Musaed Alharbi. Monday, 8 am to 12 pm
  4. Dr.Khalid Alsager. Day/ time

Inpatient Services

  • Inpatient Consultations

Our inpatient service gets about 1600 consultations a year. These range from healthy children with infections who must be watched in the inpatient wards to children with severe infections who must be admitted to the ICU and treated for a long time.

  • General ID service

Patients with a community-acquired infection who need care after surgery and sick kids in the ICU are just some cases our general team sees. Those with a weak immune system are not included.

  • Immunocompromised ID service

Our team is involved with various conditions compromising the immune system, whether primary or secondary, due to cancer, chemotherapy, or biological agents. Also, children who had a bone marrow or solid organ transplant.

  • Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) Service

ASP is a hospital-wide effort to get the most out of antimicrobial agents by reducing their use when unnecessary and giving each patient the best treatment. Aiming to treat infections well, keep patients from getting sick by taking antibiotics when they don't need to, and fight antibiotic resistance.

Pediatric Infectious Diseases Education and Training

  • We have a fully accredited Pediatric general and immunocompromised infectious diseases fellowship program by Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

  • Our section continuous educational activities includes (weekly grand round, lectures, Saudi Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society monthly meeting )

Pediatric Infectious Diseases KPIs



Pediatric Infectious Diseases Research and Publications

  1. Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis induced by SARS-CoV-2. Alhumaidan W, Al-Otaibi A, Elyamany G, Alabbas F, Ali TB. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 May;38(4):406-409. doi: 10.1080/08880018.2020.1867267. Epub 2021 Feb 26. PMID: 33635161.

  2. Prolonged CSF PCR Positivity in a Neonate with GBS Meningitis. Alruqaie NI, Falatah Y, Alzahrani F, Alharbi M. Frontiers in Pediatrics.:1324.

  3. COVID-19 Disease in Infants Less Than 90 Days: Case Series. Shaiba LA, Altirkawi K, Hadid A, Alsubaie S, Alharbi O, Alkhalaf H, Alharbi M, Alruqaie N, Alzomor O, Almughaileth F, Alyousef N. Frontiers in pediatrics. 2021;9.

Pediatric Infectious Diseases Leadership

Dr. Mohammad Alshaalan

Division Head of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Dr. Maha Almuneef

Section Head of Child Care services

Dr. Nora Alfattoh

Director of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship Training Program.