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Medicine Residency Training Program

Medicine Residency Training Program (MRTP) at the Department of Medicine, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh is considered as one of the best in the Region. The training program was established in 1986 with only one (1) graduate during 1990-1991 academic year. In 2011-2012, MRTP has sixty-one (61) trainees and is ever increasing over the years.Residents have the opportunity of learning and working at a tertiary care center for four years. The training is multi-disciplinary approach and follows the principles of evidence-based medicine and pilot research projects mandatory to all new R1s to do research before graduation as hands-on research experience.

The Residency Training process is directed/governed by the Medicine Residency Training Program Committee.


The main mission of the program is to have graduate physicians that can provide comprehensive medical care at a consultant level.


  • To produce a safe and competent doctors with broad knowledge in different fields of internal medicine.

  • To provide the Resident enough training so that he/she acquires knowledge, leadership, supervisory skills and more autonomy and freedom in obtaining leadership role.

  • To provide an educational environment that promotes the standard of delivery of health care, by appreciating the logical use of guidelines, text, literature, latest information technology and others.

  • To train Residents in learning scholarly character and attitude by giving them assignments to research and present topics of important and relevant medical issues.

  • To prepare residents for future sub-specialty training.

  • To train residents to be a collaborator, a health advocate and a medical professional in all aspects of residency training over the 4 years of training.

  • To train residents to handle research projects.


The Medicine Program at King Abdulaziz Medical City is accredited as a Residency Training Program by:

  • The Saudi Council for Health Specialties

  • The Arab Board of Medical Specialties

The MRTP is working for the accreditation of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada

The following categories of Residents spend part of their training in the Department of Medicine:

  • Neurology residents for one whole year (2 residents per year)

  • Family Medicine Residents for six months (4 - 7 annually)

  • Emergency Medicine Residents for two months.

  • Dermatology Residents for 3 months (2-3 annually)

  • Local Medical Residents from other institutions taking CTU rotation training for the Saudi Council for Health Specialties.

  • Interns from all Saudi universities and universities abroad.

  • Medical Students from King Saud University, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences and other universities from different regions of Saudi Arabia.


Well-qualified consultants with North American and European degrees supervise the training. Most of the faculty members have international and local academic experience.

Residents spend approximately 18 months in the Clinical Teaching Units and the rest in all medical specialties and critical areas. This is based on the Rules and Regulations of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

  • Graduates of Medicine Residency Training Program

  • Residency Program Directors & Chief Residents

  • Academic Activities


  • We continued to host both the Saudi and Arab Board Final Clinical Examinations with excellent organization. The last Board exam was organized successfully on 28 December 2011 and again, our passed-rate in the 2011 final clinical exam for our residents was 100%.

    • Level of Satisfaction: This has improved tremendously amongst almost all residents. With the good number of junior residents we have, the work load became much better with less stress and pressure being applied on residents. This gave them more time to focus, read and learn at balanced base to achieve our objectives. All residents have bedside clinical teaching carried out by experienced medical staff on weakly.

    • Our morning meeting showed continuous improvement. Also, as token of appreciation and encouragement, Residents who got attendance rate of 85% or above, are allowed to attend hospital and national courses, workshops or symposium for their added educational value. Residents’ attendance became excellent as shown by attendance percentage sent to every resident every two months thereafter. Senior residents now moderate that activity and the variety of cases they present are very educational and motivating.

    • The Saudi Council allows the Program to have 20 new residents this year. We have 16 residents as National Guard sponsored and 2 coming from outside sponsorship.

  • Residents participated actively in the Department of Medicine Residents’ Day, which is being held every year. Dr. Zainab Al Duhailib won the Best Resident (R3) of the Year 2011 for the Department of Medicine.

  • Extensive training support for our residents in all levels is continually available and improved thus far. Clinical Teachings (OSCE + long cases) are being held every Sunday and Tuesdays for R4s, every Tuesday for R3.

  • Board Certified physicians were assigned as tutors in CTUs.

  • Implementing the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) twice a year with full coordination with the College of Medicine to all resident levels.

  • We implemented the flexible rotation of our residents outside the hospital.

  • Introduced the Rotation Evaluation form emphasizing the teaching values by division/service rather than by person. The residents are to complete the rotation evaluation form after finishing their rotation.

  • Evidence Based Medicine course is mandatory to all residents with coordination with Postgraduate Training Centre.

  • BLS and ACLS courses are mandatory for all junior residents before promotion to senior level with coordination with Postgraduate Training Center.

  • The academic half day activity has gone a long way, including having speakers from other known Institution.

  • Introducing the use of MedRez computerized system as electronic data base to ease the preparation of on-calls and rotation scheduling of residents. The residents have the liberty to choose/request their on-call date/time by using the website. A software exclusively designed for the MRTP site for on-call/rotation wherein the resident could access and put their respective request.

  • Implementing the Sub-teams for each Clinical Teaching Units (CTU) in accordance to Canadian Medical Education for Specialists (CanMEDS) competencies.

  • Training-on and creating teams of Pathways and Protocol Champions participated by residents

  • Creating Medical Residents Research Unit (MRRU) to look and monitor the residents’ research projects. This is a pilot project and mandatory to all new R1s to do research before graduation as hands-on research experience to the residents.

  • Changing the On-Call duties of residents:

    • During week-end, two (2) senior residents will cover the ER (0900-1200 hours and 2100-0900 hours next day)

    • During the night time in the week days, there will be two (2) senior residents. The 1st resident to cover ER from 1700-0800 hours; and 2nd resident will cover the wards from 1700-0800 hours next day.

    • Ward on-call is covered by two (2) junior residents. 1st resident will cover Wards 12, 13, 14, 16, 18 and consultation service from other disciplines and 2nd resident to cover Ward19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25.

    • Implementing the On-call back-up in the ER to ensure optimum patient care and patient satisfaction.

  • Dedicated pager 4757 is assigned during on-call duties to lessen the chance of miss-communication between Medicine and Emergency Departments concerning patient care. This pager is assigned to the 1st medical on-call for any new consultation from ER and to be carried by senior resident during on-call time from 1700 till 0800 next day, and during week end. It will be carried by assistant consultant during daytime from 0800 till 1700 in weekdays.

  • CCRT course is mandatory to all senior residents to be a part of the CCRT team

  • A Mentorship Program parallel to the Medical Residents Research Unit Program was created

  • Created the Stress Management and Well-being Program to help the residents develop new skills to cope with stress and to increase their general well-being.

  • Revising the MRTP Manual to meet the CanMEDS (Canadian Medical Education for Directors and Specialists) based requirements.

  • Creating the Residents Training Improvement Committee chaired by Dr. Abdullah Al Gwizani, R4 to discuss matters/issues for the best interest of the residents and the training program.

  • 3rd Annual Medical Residents Research Day held on Thursday, 10 May 2012, College of Medicine Auditorium. The hard works, enthusiasm, commitment and support of the medical residents made it successful. This event was sponsored by the Saudi Commission. Dr. Ibrahim Mahmoud, Dr. Eysa Al Solamy and Dr. Kanaan Al Shammari won the verbal presentation award.