Adult Discharge Lounge (ADL) - Located in Ward 20

Transfer and Discharge planning is an integral part of a patient-centered quality approach to care. Discharge lounges can assist in bridging the gap between acute admission and return to the community and expedite new admission intake as beds are freed up. Discharge from the hospital is a complex process that requires the coordination of multiple disciplinary and care providers.​

Capacity: 8 comfortable chair.
Operating: Sunday to Saturday, 07:00 to 19:00.
Location: Ward 20.
The Medical ADL will accommodate NON-COVID patients based on recommended criteria as follows:

Admission Criteria for Adult Discharge Lounge (ADL- MEDICAL CARE)

  1. Medically stable patients discharged to go home by their MRP and awaiting for the release of medication and “owned” transportation.
  2. Patients with home oxygen therapy and requiring 0.5L to 1 L per min Oxygen therapy.
  3. Patients who are able to mobilize, transfer and sit in a chair. Must be continent both bladder and bowels.
  4. Patients with GCS of 14 to 15. Patient whose GCS is 14 (confused/disorientated) must be mobile, continent and not “agitated”. This patient must be accompanied by a sitter/ or patient’s family member.

Exclusion criteria for discharge lounge

  1. Immuno compromised and infectious patients are not eligible for the discharge lounge
  2. Bed ridden patients.
  3. Patients who require complex nursing care prior to discharge (e.g. incontinent both bladder and bowels requiring regular changing pads etc.).
  4. Patients who are restless, physically combative and agitated.