Ward 12
Ward 12 is a 27-bed Nephrology unit. A pioneer in renal transplantation, well-established and leading-edge treatment options for chronic kidney disease. Our renal service consists of three main areas – nephrology (the study of the kidneys) and dialysis, which we offer at many sites working with local dialysis partners. Our service treats various diseases that cause a reduction or loss of kidney function.
Nephrology nurses use the nursing process to care for patients of all ages who are experiencing or are at risk for kidney disease. Nephrology nursing involves both preventing diseases and assessing the health needs of patients and families.
Care spans the life cycle and involves patients experiencing the actual or threatened impact of acute or chronic kidney disease; therefore, nephrology nurses must be well-educated, highly skilled, and motivated. These nurses also deal with every organ system in the body, calling for a holistic approach to patient care that is both challenging and rewarding.
Patient Population: Adult; Mixed Gender.
Hours of Operation: 24 Hours / 7 Days per week.
Number of Bed: 27 Beds.
Occupancy Rate: 100%.
Staff Categories:
- Nurse Manager.
- Clinical Resource Nurse.
- Registered Nurses.
- Patient Care Technician.
Primary Diagnosis
- Acute and Chronic Renal Failure.
- Systemic Lupus Nephritis.
- Nephrotic Syndrome.
- Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Line Sepsis.
- Renal Biopsy.
- Management of Arterio-Venous fistula, permacaths and grafts.
- Hemodialysis and continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis.
- Chronic Post Renal Transplant.
- Diabetic kidney disease.
- General kidney disease.
- Immunologically modulated kidney disease (inflammatory kidney disease which is often treated with medicines that suppress the immune system).
- Inherited kidney disease.
Primary Procedures
- I.V. Infusions including Cannulation.
- Insertion of Central Lines.
- Insertion of Quinton catheter.
- Oxygen Therapy.
- Administration of Blood and Blood Products.
- Tracheostomy Care and Suctioning.
- Nasogastric and PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) care.
- Urinary Catheterization.
- Diagnostic, Interventional Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.
- Pre / Post Bronchoscopic Procedures.
- NGT insertion.
- Lumbar Puncture, Ascetic tapping and Bone Marrow Biopsy.
- Plasmapheresis.
- Pre/post preparation of Peritoneal and Perma Catheter Insertion.
- Phlebotomy.
- Patient and Family Education.
Model of Nursing Care
- Total Patient Care utilizing a partnership model.